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Cassidy's lastest updates   Cassidy's Story, Chapter 11. 

Hip Kid Story

This website follows the progress of Cassidy, who was born with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hips, or DDH. The condition is also known as dislocated hips, Congenital Hip Dysplasia (CHD), Developmental Hip Dysplasia (DHD) or Clicky Hips.

Written by Cassidy's mother Catriona, 'Cassidy's Story' is a touching tale of battles & victories, despair & hope, trials & tribulations -but mostly of the courage and patience of a little girl who will touch your heart. The support and positivity of her loving family and the expertise of her surgeons is nothing short of inspirational. When you have read 'Cassidy's Story' there's a reward for you (at the end of Chapter 9).

The 'About Hip Dysplasia' section contains some very valuable information related to this condition and the 'Coping in Hospital' section has tips for coping with surgery and children in hospital, as well as some other more unusual ideas. The 'Hip Links' section contains links to other hip related websites.

There's heaps of photos and x-rays of all of Cassidy's surgeries and recoveries, with new ones added on a regular basis.

Also a resource for parents/carers of 'Hip children', this site is the home page of Australia's premier Support Group for this condition. The Group has been fully functional for a couple of years and provides caring, empathetic support for anyone dealing with DDH.

'Cassidy's Views' is being written by she finds the time in her busy life!

Please add your comments to the Guestbook if you have time, as it is thrilling to hear from you!

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Please note: The information provided in this web site and the following links is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians.

This site built and maintained by Catriona Hill
Email Catriona.
Copyright © 2003 Catriona Hill. All rights reserved.
 Cassidy's Story   About Hip Dysplasia   Photos   Coping in Hospital   Reader's Hip Stories   Hip Links   Cassidy's Views   Support Group   Guestbook   Home