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What's the deal with all of these fake ass, wannabe gangsters here in Japan? This is aimed at all of you military guys!  How many Bloods and Crips do you know who throw up their sets in the club, then are up at work the next morning calling someone sir and sweeping floors? Supe
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What's up with all you wanna be "players" and "pimps"? y'all talk about all the p@ssy you was getting back in the "world". then,you come to japan and say "japanese p@ssy is so easy to get" and you end up leaving the club with the 8 niggas you came with!!! All of you are what me and my boys call "dateline gangstas"(you didn't get hardcore until you passed the international dateline)y'all was probably the biggest punks and nerds in your little town! now, you trying to represent the next biggest city closest to you, talking about who you shot, how much dope you sold,YOU NIGGAS AIN'T SHOT NOBODY OR SOLD NO DRUGS!!! NEWS FLASH NIGGAS,THUGGIN AIN'TCOOL!!!! Y'ALL LOOK STUPID!!! IF THE STATES IS THE "WORLD", WHERE ARE YOU NOW, IN OUTER SPACE? YA'LL SOME DUMBS ASS NIGGAS!! IF YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH WHAT I'M SAYING, THAT MUST MEAN YOU ARE ONE OF THESE DUMB ASS NIGGAS!! GET AT ME WITH YOUR REPLY!!


                             EZRA JACKSON
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What's up with all of these brothas who are with these JN's?  They know they can't take them back home to mama!  An Anonymous Sista
This goes out to a An Anonymous Sista. why you keeping yourself a secret?  Could it be that you so ugly that nobody wants to take YOU home to mama? As far as brothers being with Japanese women, if dog ugly sistas like yourself didn't get to Japan and try to play like J-lo and act like your shit don't stink once a month, brothas wouldn't have to go outside and shop in the ECONOMY!  As far as taking them home to mama, alot of mamas have come here to see them!!!  So kiss all they asses and their niggas too!  Once again, a real nigga!

                                  Ezra Jackson!
Views posted in Anything Goes do not necessarily represent those of HIP Japan Magazine.
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