You Might Be a Him-phile If...
The Him Profile
On "Moral Decay" and "Meet the Beat-Alls"
A place totally dedicated to Him, the best villain ever from the TV series The Powerpuff Girls.
Him Top Tens
Him and the Head Blue Meanie
Mr. Quacker's Oracle
07/28/03 Hey. This is Tillie. I was supposed to help with this site when it first opened. I didn't know how back then. Now I do. Now there will be justice!  OH THERE WILL BE 1337 JUSTICE FOR ALL! I'll... work on this... and stuff.... Gotta fix broken links.. and stuff...

11/22/02 It's been brought to my attention (or I brought it to my own attention, or... whatever.) that i haven't updated the Shrine in a Long Freaking Time. which is pretty blatantly true. sure, i've got an excuse for not doin anything since september (got new computer, had to move everything to that [which is quite a bit of stuff, really], and started college at Brown University which involved moving myself and possessions from Virginia to Rhode Island. oh, and hello to everyone who gets here by searching for "brown university livejournal", and sorry that this page has probably scared you, but the LJ is
here.) but for not updating over the summer? really, there's no excuse. ppg hasn't really been a part of my life for a good while. it occurred to me while taking the "medium" power Him quiz, some site that sent me visitors that I haven't even seen "Him Riddle Diddle". though i actually DO want to. any other Him eps i've blatanty missed? i haven't seen the movie, either, though don't think Him was in that.
anyway. i think i might try to do a bit of work on the site, lots of people have sent "ask mr. quackers" stuff in, which i really should answer, and add people to the fanlist, becuase i've been digustingly lazy on both counts. and the AMQ section looks pretty atrocious, too. wow, that's gross. erm. anyway. if you want to talk Him/ask what college is like/hear twenty reasons not to take a class on roman historians/generally give me a kick in the ass to update the site, the AIM is MarvellousPurple. and the email should be somewhere on the page. in theory. it probbly is, i used to be responsible about this.
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The Trigun Drinking Game!
GO JOIN THE FANCLUB! It's called "Pretty Evil" now. Much better, ne?
and... give to the altar. It's also been prettified.
and... SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! Please? I'll love you forever!
and... wait. nope, that's all!
oh, yeah. the puffcomix are gone because the site stopped. sorry.
Hey, my counter hit 1400. That's pretty damn cool. when did that happen??
Uh, vote for us in the top-(fill in the
blank)'s at the bottom. Join the fanclub, sign our guestbook, give BvsH money... hahaha, right. ^_^

Our award!
(Linked to the Townsville Photo Gallery)