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Disclaimer: This website must be presented as fiction. What is described on this website could never occur in America. Anyone stating otherwise can be publicly discredited, imprisoned, institutionalized, forcibly medicated, or murdered.

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It’s Ultrasound Not Mind Control


America’s secret government has been waging a covert war against the mentally ill for decades. The secret government is attempting to get states to adopt stronger laws against the mentally ill. In order to accomplish this, the secret government must change the way ordinary American citizens perceive the mentally ill. Basically the secret government must scare the public into allowing stronger laws enacted. The secret government ultimate goal is a federal law requiring monitoring and forced mediation of people with serious mental illnesses.


The secret government has been waging a war against the mentally ill using classified harassment technology. The technology uses ultrasound to attack people through walls of their homes. The secret government has also been using classified surveillance technology to electronically see and hear through walls of mentally ill people’s homes. The technology that can electronically see through walls of houses is used to target the ultrasonic harassment technology. A mentally ill person in his home can be targeted and attacked through the walls of his own home with the classified technology operated from a neighboring house.


The public has seen the aftermath of this war against the mentally ill. People claiming to have lived in haunted houses, mothers who kill their children and claim God told them to do it, and people who claim to be victims of mind control or radiation weapons. The public has basically been programmed over the decades that people who make such claims are mentally ill. But what is not know to the public is that the secret United States government has developed classified technology to trick people making such claims into believing they are experiencing an extraordinary event in their life.


One classified technology that has been mistaken for mind control is a technology that fires a focused beam of ultrasound at a targeted person in his house while he sleeps. As ultrasound enters the body, it disrupts blood flow to the area of the body it enters. An example passing strong ultrasound through a leg can cause a numb feeling in the leg, a sensation similar to what people call a leg falling asleep.


The secret government has developed technology that fires a powerful beam of focused ultrasound into the base of the targeted person’s head. The ultrasound will penetrate the top of the person’s skull and enter the brain. The ultrasound will disrupt blood flow to the areas of the brain while the targeted person sleeps. The targeted person will experience bad dreams or nightmares.


The dreams will vary depending on the person attacked. Basically the person inner demons will determine what type of dreams the targeted person will have. If the targeted person is a violent person he could have violent dreams, such a hurting another person. The targeted person may interpret these dreams as a sign and may act out in real life and commit a violent act.


When this technology is used against a person while sleeping, he may wake suddenly and hallucinate for up to a minute. The targeted person may wake and believe he is speaking to a person who recently died. Another targeted may wake and believe he is seeing a ghost. What the targeted person hallucinates will vary depending on the person targeted. Again the targeted person inner demons will determine what person hallucinates. Once the targeted person wakes the blood flow will return to normal in the brain and the targeted person will regain his state of mind. How the targeted person interprets what just happened will vary.


Some people mistake the occurrence for electronic mind control. The ultrasound is disrupting the flow of blood in the brain and is not controlling what the targeted person will dream or hallucinate.


After being attacked by this harassment device the targeted person will feel an area of numbness to the top part of the head. This is where the ultrasound entered the head and penetrated the skull bone. No physical marks or evidence will remain.


The harassment device fires a powerful ultrasonic beam of sound into the base of the targeted person’s head while he sleeps. The harassment device is targeted to attack the targeted person through walls of a house with a through walls targeting system. The targeted person body heat is detected through walls by this targeting system. The targeting system provides a detailed image of a person behind walls of a house.


The targeted person can be attacked at any time of the night with this technology. An example the targeted person can experience bad dreams at 3am in the morning each night. In haunted house stories, a person being awoken at 3am is the time Christ died.



There is a method to block the ultrasonic technology. Ultrasound cannot penetrate a panel with a vacuum inside. A vacuum is the absence of air. A high level vacuum is necessary in the panel to completely block the technology. Placing vacuum panels (3 foot height by 4 foot width with at least 3 inches of vacuum) around the targeted person while sleeping will prevent this technology being used against the person while sleeping.


The war against the mentally ill by the secret government involves a massive disinformation campaign against the mentally ill. The secret government is attempting to convince mentally ill people that physically harmful technology is being used against them. The secret government wants to convince the mentally ill that mind control is being used against them. This is being done because when the targeted person attempts to tell other people that mind control is being used against him, he will be viewed as being seriously mentally ill by an average person.


The phrase “Why don’t you get a tin foil hat!” was invented by the secret government as a way to make a person complaining of harassment by mind control as being mentally ill. Tin foil will not block ultrasound. A more realistic phrase should be “Why don’t you get some vacuum barriers!”


The secret government has done an incredible job over the decades with their war against the mentally ill. The secret government has many more ultrasonic harassment devices that have been secretly developed over the decades. The following symptoms are all artificially created by classified sonic harassment technology.


1.         Snapping noises that appear to come from hard surfaces near a targeted person.

2.         Sounds the targeted person hears that no one else can hear. These sounds can voices or other strange audible noises.

3.         Burning sensations in areas of the body, mainly legs.

4.         Numb sensations in areas of the body. Can be in legs or other areas such as top of the head.

5.         Jolts to limbs, fingers or other parts of the body Jolts can be slight or strong.

6.         Strange dreams or night mares and hallucinations for under a minute when awoken.

7.         Areas of severe pain in parts of the body.



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Social Engineering by Secret US Government




A secret United States government has been in place for the last several decades. The purpose of this secret government is to guide, change, and shape American society. Decades ago a decision by the government was made that social engineering would be necessary to prevent the United States from breaking apart and falling into civil war.


The United States government has enormous influence around the world. It projects it military might to deter its enemies. If the United States were to breakup and fall into civil war, it would lose its world influence. In order to prevent the demise of the United States government’s influence domestically and worldwide, a decision was made from the highest levels of government that covert domestic actions inside the Untied States would be required.


A secret United States government was formed and began domestic covert operations inside the United States. The responsibility of the secret government is to work behind the scene covertly targeting people and groups that threaten its agenda. For the last several decades the secret government has been changing and shaping American society into what it perceives American society should be.


The secret government has an agenda and is actively working in communities across America implementing their agenda. People and groups that oppose its agenda are covertly targeted.


The agenda of the secret American government is the following:


1. Stronger laws enacted against mentally ill people

2. Desegregation of communities throughout America.

3. Rid American communities of crime from organized crime and gang violence.


Government agents who are implementing the secret government's agenda are equipped with classified technology so they can carry out their mission. The agents are given classified surveillance technology that can electronically see and hear through walls. The technology works from house to house, meaning the surveillance technology is setup inside a house neighboring a house to be placed under surveillance. The technology gives the agents the ability to see and hear into the neighboring house placed under surveillance. The technology basically gives the agents X-Ray vision to see into the targeted person's house. All the targeted person's movements can be monitored and his verbal conversations can be heard in his house.


The surveillance technology provides enough detail so that it can identify a person through a wall by body detail. And it’s sensitive enough that it can hear a person breathing through a wall. All the targeted person’s activities in his house can be monitored and recorded. The government agents conduct surveillance of the targeted person 24 hours a day.


The surveillance technology cannot be detected by the targeted person under surveillance. The targeted person will never know he is under surveillance and no detection equipment to detect if a person is under surveillance. Since the surveillance technology works through walls, there is no need to enter the targeted person’s house to place listening devices.


Since the surveillance technology is classified, no one locally to the targeted person will understand it or believe it is being used against the targeted person. Basically if this classified surveillance technology is used against a person, he has no way to detect it or anyone to report the illegal surveillance to.


The classified surveillance technology detects the body heat of a person through house walls. Since it’s using the energy emitted by the human body to see a person behind walls, there no way to detect when the secret government agents are video eavesdropping into a house.


The surveillance technology is the same classified technology used against foreign adversaries. The technology was developed to protect national security and is being used domestically against the secret government’s domestic adversaries.


The secret government’s agents operate above the law. No warrant has to be obtained to conduct surveillance. In the eyes of federal, state, and local law enforcement, this technology doesn’t exist. People targeted by the secret government agents are on their own.


The government agents have been given harassment technology that can attack a person through walls of a house. The harassment technology is referred to as sonic harassment technology. The technology uses sound that can't be heard by humans and focuses it like a laser. The technology can be thought of as a sonic laser. The sonic laser produced by this technology will pass through house walls, furniture, ceilings, and people without causing any physical damage.


If a sonic laser passes through a targeted person, it can produce different sensations that the targeted person will feel. A person attacked by this technology will experience the following:


1. Burning sensation in parts of the body, mainly legs.

2. Slight Jolts to legs, arms, or fingers of the body.

3. Hearing strange sounds heard by no one else.

3. Loss of sleep due to the above mentioned symptoms.


The sonic technology can be used to single out and attack a single person in a house even where more than one person lives. A targeting system is needed to identify a person through a wall. The secret government has incorporated through wall surveillance technology into a targeting scope that can target a person through a wall.


The secret American government has been conducting a covert domestic war against the mentally ill in America for the last several decades. The secret government targets a handful of people with mental illnesses each year. These people are specially selected for implementing the secret government's agenda.


What the secret American government has been doing for the last several decades is creating hoaxes and tragedy. You might have seen these events in movies and TV new reports:


1. Haunted house stories.

2. Mothers kill their children and claim God told them to do it.

3. People claim that mind control and electromagnetic weapons are being used against them.

4. Wild conspiracy about UFOs and other strange supernatural events.


The secret government has been in the business of creating hoaxes and tragedy. You can think of this as a performance like a play or theatrical performance. The secret government carefully selects places and people to bring their performance to. The key actors in the performance are innocent American citizens who are unaware of the performance and the supporting actors are government agents who are knowingly participating.


An example of the secret government's theatrical performance is a tragedy where a mother kills her children because God told her to do it. The secret government will place a handful of mothers with mental illness under surveillance each year. The government agents will place the mother and her immediate family under electronic surveillance. Government agents will secretly move into a house neighboring each mother targeted and begin the surveillance operations against the mothers.


Government agents who specialize in psychiatry will analyze the surveillance information gathered about the mothers. A decision must be made on which mother to begin the next stage of the operation against. Usually one mother is chosen at a time. The other mothers who are not chosen will have the surveillance operation against them discontinued and they will never be made aware they were under surveillance.


The mother selected for the next stage of the operation will be the next actor or victim cast for the secret government's theatrical performance. The mother is never made aware of the surveillance or the fact she will now be a pawn in implementing the secret government's agenda.


The mother selected will have a history of mental illness. A mother who can easily be manipulated by the government agents is chosen. Usually a strong religious background is needed. The government agents will usually avoid people with a technical background.


The next stage of the government's operation against the mother will be the attack stage. The government agents will use the surveillance intelligence gathered about the targeted person over the months she was placed under surveillance. The government will know just about everything about the targeted mother. The targeted mother’s immediate family is also placed under surveillance.


The secret government has developed classified sound projection technology that can project sound at a single person in a house. The sonic projection technology uses ultrasonic lasers to project audible sound at one person in a house. The technology basically can project any audible sound at a person in a house through the walls of the house. The through wall targeting system is used to identify and target a person through walls of a house.


The government agents will begin using the technology against the mother. Sounds projected at the mother in her house will be audible messages like: "This is God commanding you to kill your children". The mother not understanding that technology is being used against her will actually believe God is speaking to her. The mother now believes that God is commanding her might act out and carry out what she believes is God’s will.


The tragedy created by the secret government will be displayed on news reports across America. "Mother kills her children because God commanded her" will be the headline. The American public after hearing this will have their opinion changed regarding the mentally ill. The secret government will use this fear the American people feel to initiate action to begin strengthening laws regarding the mentally ill.


The secret government created and manufactured the tragedy and will now begin the process of using the tragedy to implement their agenda. After several of the secret government's theatrical performances occur over several years the American people will be convinced that the forced treatment of mentally ill is absolutely necessary. The secret government’s ultimate goal would be a federal law enacted forcing mentally ill people into mandatory treatment and monitoring.


The mothers who kill their children because God commanded them to are only one type of theatrical performance orchestrated by the secret government. People who claim they have lived in a haunted house are another theatrical performance by the secret government. The same classified sonic technology used to trick mothers into believe God is commanding them to kill their children is used to trick people into believing their house is haunted.


The secret government's theatrical performance used to trick people into believing their homes are haunted has been brought to many neighborhood communities across America for last several decades. In this performance a family is selected by the secret government agents.


The secret government agents will place many families under surveillance until a family is found that meets their requirements. Once a family is selected the attack stage against the family will begin. Complete surveillance of the family will have been performed over many months before the decision is made to attack the family.


The classified technology used to trick people into believe their house is haunted is sonic harassment technology that can project audible sound at one person through walls of a house. Sonic weapons that fire powerful sonic bullets through walls have been secretly developed by the secret government. Sonic bullets are sonic shock waves that can’t be heard or seen but when they impact the human body one of the following can occur: A strong jolt to the area the sonic bullet hits. If the sonic bullets hit an arm a sudden jolt to the arm will occur. If the bullet hits the leg, a jot to the leg will occur. These sonic bullets do not damage the house or leave any marks on the human body. The secret government developed this classified technology to terrorize people through walls and not leave any physical evidence after an attack.


The targeted family will have one or more members of their family targeted. The targeted family members will start hearing strange sounds in their house. Strange impacts to their body created by sonic bullets will also occur. The infamous Amityville Horror priest receiving a verbal command from an invisible evil spirit to “Get out” and then an invisible slap to the face of the priest was done using the classified sonic projection technology and a sonic bullet fired into the side of the priest’s face. Nothing supernatural about this incident, it’s just agents using classified government technology.


There are many other classified sonic harassment technologies developed by the secret government over the decades to trick people into believing their house is haunted.


The most famous haunted house story heard of and seen in the movies is the Amityville Horror Story. Haunted house stories are part of the American culture.


The secret government has been bringing their theatrical performances across America for decades. There is a very strong possibility another performance by the secret government that the American people thought was not of this world but actually was a government hoax orchestrated not extraterrestrials but by the secret American government.


The famous 1947 Roswell incident in Roswell New Mexico may have been a government hoax orchestrated by the secret American government. The very popular conspiracy involving a UFO that crash lands and the government covers the whole incident up. What if the incident was a government experiment or a hoax to test, study, and control the American people? A fake fabricated UFO is placed in a field by the secret government and the actors are allowed to find it. The actors are innocent American citizens who truly believed that a real UFO crashed and were used by the secret government to spread rumors and gossip about a crashed UFO.


The military then moves in and the main event begins. Selected actors are deliberately allowed to see things such a fake aliens that are nothing more than manikins created by human hands. A few dozen actors are allowed to see things they believe are extraterrestrials and more rumors and gossip spread.


For the finale, the military moves in and covers up the whole thing. The fake wreckage is removed and then destroyed. The public is allowed to believe that a conspiracy exists that the government is covering up a crashed UFO.


The secret American government’s theatrical performances from mothers killing their children because God told them to do it, haunted houses, and wild conspiracies of UFO and other supernatural events are the result of the secret government social engineering over the last several decades. The secret government has used innocent American citizens over the decades to create these theatrical performances. These citizens have been manipulated and duped into carrying out the secret government’s agenda.


This posting has only mentioned a few of the theatrical performances orchestrated by the secret American government over the decades. What would people do if they discovered that the tragedies and urban legends they have learned of in their life time was the result of the secret government's social engineering?


Another of the secret American government’s social engineering program is the desegregation of American communities across America. The government has desegregated the public schools, workplace, and military. The one area the secret government has been covertly desegregating is the American communities across the country.


White segregated communities have been covertly targeted by the secret government for desegregation. Agents with access to classified surveillance technology have been moving into segregated white communities across America. These agents move into a house in the segregated neighborhood and secretly conduct surveillance of members of the community. These agents are the same race as the community and are basically under cover in the community. The community will never suspect that government agents are living in their community and spying on them.


A strategy will be developed by using the surveillance information to desegregate the community. Members of the community engaged in activities to deny minorities the opportunity to live in the neighborhood will be targeted. These targeted community members will find the secret government working against them. The surveillance technology can hear and see into their homes so finding a way to eliminate these people would be an easy task. This covert desegregation of a white community could take years or decades to accomplish. The secret government has an army of agents that will be used to implement their secret agenda.


The American government has a secret element that is engaged in social engineering. This secret government is engaged in domestic operations across America that is changing and shaping America. The secret government has a secret agenda. The secret government has vast resources to carry out this agenda. The government will sacrifice the lives of a few citizens to implement their agenda. A person targeted by the secret government has enormous and virtually unlimited resources used to destroy him. Many people who have been victims of this social agenda may have been murdered or had their lives destroyed.


The aftermath of this social agenda may be widespread. The urban legends and people who have altered their lives to chase after things that don't exist are a few examples. Ghosts, haunted house, UFOs, and other supernatural events may be what people have spent their lives pursuing. People in mental institutions, people setup and jailed unjustly, such as mothers killing their children because God to them to do it, are among the casualties of the social agenda.


The war the secret United States government is waging against its enemies is a silent hidden war. No military tanks or troops are deployed against its domestic enemies. Instead classified technology is used to carry out the secret government's war. Hate groups, cults, and other groups that threaten the secret American government's agenda are covertly placed under surveillance to defeat the enemies of the secret government’s agenda.


The second American civil war has been on going for the last several decades. This is not a war fought with guns, tanks, or bombs but a war fought with classified high technology. The people and groups that secret American government has been conducting this war against are completely unaware that the secret United States government has declared war against them.


Once the secret government gets its federal laws against the mentally ill requiring forced medication, it can use the laws against its domestic enemies. Technology can be used to attack its domestic enemies and force them into the mental health care system. The secret government believes that people involved in extreme domestic anti-government activities are suffering from mental illness. So going after these people would prevent a rise to power of a person or group that would threaten the current American government.


It’s unknown how the American people would react if they discovered how they were manipulated over the decades. Most Americans have no idea of the influence the secret American government has had on their lives. It’s unfortunate that people would rather believe that UFOs, ghosts, or other supernatural events occur but not be willing to accept the possibility that a secret United States government has been manipulating them by using classified technology against them for decades. To learn more please read the website listed below.    



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US Government's Secret Domestic Torture Program


As news reports of the United States government's secret torture program of captured foreign prisoners has been disclosed, public outrage has grown. The Enhanced Interrogation tactics disclosed by the United States government are considered torture by many.


What the United States government has not disclosed yet is the details of its domestic covert torture operations against American citizens inside the United States. The details of this domestic covert operation will startle most people.


Over the last several decades, the United States government has decided to use it immense technology advantage against its domestic enemies. The government no longer has to use the military against the American citizens that threaten its agenda. No military tanks have to roll up to the houses of people who threaten the government.


Instead the United States government has used classified technology to conduct illegal surveillance, torture and attack its domestic enemies. The classified technology is only available to the United States government. The government has spent millions of dollars developing the technology over the decades. This is the same classified technology that is used outside the United States against its foreign adversaries.


The technology discussed in this posting is technology that is used from house to house. The technology is secretly moved into a house neighboring a person to be targeted. The targeted person will notice nothing out of the ordinary because all the technology is operated from inside the house used to conduct the surveillance. No visual evidence of the surveillance is possible from outside the house.


The classified technology consists of technology that can electronically see and hear thru walls of a house. This technology gives government agents X-Ray vision to see and hear into the targeted person's house. The technology is so accurate that it can see detailed images of a person standing behind a wall. There is nowhere to hide from the technology in a conventional house. The technology can monitor the targeted person’s movements in his home and hear all his conversations. There is no privacy from this technology.


The government has incorporated this technology into a targeting scope that can target a person thru a wall. From a neighboring house, the targeting scope can be used to target the person in the other house thru the walls. This targeting scope is pin point accurate. The targeting scope can be used to target a lethal or non-lethal weapon.


The United States government has developed classified non-lethal weapons technology. Sonic non-lethal weapons used by the government agents can attack a person thru a wall and no evidence of the attack will remain. No damage to either houses or the person targeted will occur. The targeted person will feel the attack but no visual evidence or physical evidence of the attack will remain. It’s the perfect harassment technology because it can't be proven that the attack occurred.


The sonic bullets (or sonic lasers) produced by sonic non-lethal weapons can't be seen or heard. The sonic bullets are infrasonic or ultrasonic and are out of the human hearing range. A focused high powered shockwave from a non-lethal sonic weapon will travel through the walls of any house and not cause any damage to the house or anything in the house. The person targeted by the sonic weapon will only feel the impact of the sonic bullet. No one else in the house will notice anything out of the ordinary, other that what the targeted person complaints of the attack.


Sonic weapons can be used to create a variety of affects to the human body. A person attacked by the technology will report any of the following.


1. Burning sensation in parts of the body, mainly legs.

2. Slight Jolts to legs, arms, or fingers of the body.

3. Hearing strange sounds heard by no one else.

3. Loss of sleep due to the above mentioned symptoms.


The thru-wall targeting scope can discover the targeted person anywhere in his house. Once targeted by the scope, the targeted person can be attack with the non-lethal sonic weapon.


For the last several decades the United States government has been using this classified technology against American citizens who threaten its agenda. The agenda of the United States government is the following:


1. Stronger laws enacted against mentally ill people

2. Desegregation of communities throughout America.

3. Rid American communities of crime from organized crime and gang violence.


The United States government has been secretly desegregating American neighboring communities throughout the United States for decades. Agents with the classified surveillance technology secretly move into white segregated neighborhood communities and start the desegregation process that could take years to complete. Covert surveillance is conducted against people in the community that oppose desegregation of the community. From the surveillance conducted of the targeted community members, a plan will be developed to eliminate the targeted individuals. The targeted people can be setup and sent to prison. The community will be completely unaware of the surveillance used against them.


Mentally ill people are targeted for another part of the government's agenda. A handful of mentally ill people are targeted each year. The government agents move into a neighboring house to the targeted mentally ill person. Surveillance is conduced of the mentally ill person. The mentally ill person will never know he is under surveillance. The surveillance conducted of the mentally ill person will be used by the government agents to develop an attack strategy to attack the mentally ill person to drive him out of control so he will commit a violent act.


The technology that is used to attack the mentally ill person is sonic non-lethal weapons and other sonic harassment technology. The weapons and harassment technology are fired at the targeted person from inside a neighboring house. The thru-wall targeting scope is used to target the mentally ill person thru walls of this house. The mentally ill person will complain of the following symptoms mentioned previously for sonic weapons attack.


The aftermath of this attack can be any of the following:


1. People claim they are living in a haunted house or other experiencing other supernatural events.

2. Mothers kill their children and claim God told them to do it.

3. Targeted person goes crazy harming or killing other people in the house.

4. Targeted person commits suicide.

5. Targeted person makes claims of mind control or radiation attacks.


The government's agenda over the last several decades has been to create tragedy. Mentally ill people making wild claims of living in a haunted house or mothers claiming God told them to kill their children. The government has been targeted mentally ill people over the last several decades and attacking them with classified technology to drive them out of control.


The government wishes to change laws regarding the mentally ill. The only way to achieve this is to change the way the average American citizen thinks. The government has been creating isolated incidences of tragedy through the United States over the last several decades. When the American people hear of Mothers killing their children because God told them to do it, they would be more inclined to support the stronger laws the government wishes to enact.


What most American people don't understand is that the wild stories of incidences of mentally ill people making wild claims over the last several decades are likely result of social engineering by the United States government.


The social engineering by the United States government over the last several decades has reshaped America. The government has sacrificed the lives of many innocent American citizens to implement their agenda. Innocent American citizens have been tortured and killed for the agenda. The government has had tremendous success with the covert domestic operation. Just as foreign covert operations are never made public by the government, the government will never acknowledge its domestic covert operation against the American people.


To learn move the Secret United government's covert domestic operations, please read the website listed below.


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The Amityville Horror Story was a Government Hoax


The United States government has been developing classified sonic harassment technology for decades. The technology has been tested on innocent American citizens over the last several decades. The technology can be used to project focused beams of sound through walls. These beams of sound can be thought of as sound lasers. The sound lasers travel in one direction and can be focused ultrasonic, audible, or infrasonic beams of sound.


The sound lasers can be used to harass or attack a person thru a wall. Sonic lasers and shorter duration sonic bullets can pass thru walls without causing any damage to a house. After a person is attacked with the technology in his home no physical evidence of the attack will remain. No damage to the walls or any part of the house or person will result.


People attacked in their homes with this technology will claim to have experienced the following:

1. Hearing sounds or voices no one else can hear.

2. Having burning sensation in parts of the body, mainly legs.

3. Experience sudden unintentional movements or jolts to limbs or other parts of the body.

4. Sleep depravation due to the previously mentioned symptoms while attempting to sleep.


A secret element of the United States government has been using this technology against innocent American citizens over the decades. Innocent American citizens have been used as test subjects.


The sonic technology is targeted by classified technology that can detect the body heat of a person through a wall. The heat generated by the human body can be detected thru a wall by a thru wall targeting scope. A person can be identified and singled out by this targeting scope. There is no where in a house to hide from being detected by this targeting scope. The targeting scope gives government X-Ray vision to seen right thru the walls of a person's home.


The stories of people experiencing supernatural events in their homes believed by many to be haunted houses may in fact be a cruel hoax perpetrated by a secret element of the United States government. Agents of the United States government have selected a handful of innocent American citizens over the decades to test this technology on.


A legendary scene in the Amityville Horror is when the priest blessing the house experiences a voice telling him to "Get Out" and then a slap across his face occurs. What really happened was the priest was targeted trough a wall by the thru wall targeting scope and sound projection technology was used to project the voice telling the priest to "Get Out". Then a powerful infrasonic wave of sound (Infrasonic Bullet) was fired into the side of the priest's face. To the priest this would actually appear like a supernatural event. The voice out of nowhere and the impact on the face would be enough to trick most people into believing an evil spirit has just attacked them. It’s not supernatural but just high tech trickery. All the technology is operated from a direct neighboring house to the so called Amityville Horror House.


The classified technology is setup in a neighboring house to the targeted person. The technology works from house to house, meaning the technology can be used to attack a person in his house from a neighboring house. No visual evidence of the attack will be possible. The technology the targeting scope and the sonic technology use cannot be seen, only felt or heard by the person that is targeted. The government agents will select a house as close as possible to the targeted person’s house to carry out the operation against the targeted person. The classified technology will be moved into the selected house to begin the operation against the targeted person.


Since the classified technology leaves no physical evidence of the attack behind, the person targeted has no way to prove he was attacked. Law enforcement and the mental health system deny the technology exist so anyone complaining of such type of harassment will be viewed as being mentally ill. The technology is classified so the vast majority of public is completely unaware of the technology.


The classified technology has been used over the decades to target mentally ill people. Some recent tragedies of mothers killing their children because they claimed God to them to do it are the result of the secret American government using the technology against them.


The secret United States government is involved in social engineering. The technology is being used to create tragedy across the United States so laws affecting the mentally ill can be strengthened. Once the general public hears news media reports of people claiming to have lived in haunted house, mother killing their children because God told them to do it, and mentally ill people committing violent acts because of attacks by invisible forces, the general public will not oppose the stronger laws the government is seeking against the mentally ill..


The secret United States government has been social engineering communities in the United States for the past several decades. The objectives of this social engineering are: 1. stronger laws enacted against mentally ill people 2. Desegregation of communities throughout America. 3. Rid American communities of crime from organized crime and gang violence.


To learn move the Secret United States government's agenda, please read the website listed below.


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Defeating US Government's Classified Thru-Wall Imaging Technology


The United States government has classified technology that can electronically see thru walls. With this technology the government can see into your home and monitor all your activities. This technology can't be detected.


The technology works from house to house, meaning the government agents will move the technology into a house neighboring a targeted person and use the technology to see into the targeted person's house. The targeted person will never know he is under surveillance. The technology is operated from inside the house used for surveillance, no visual evidence of the surveillance is possible from outside the house.


The government has turned this technology into a targeting system that can target a person thru a wall and attack him with harassment technology, non-lethal weapons, or lethal weapons.


If the targeted person is attacked using this technology, there is a method that can be used to block the technology from detecting a person thru a wall. The classified imaging technology relies on body heat from the human body to detect a person thru a wall. A barrier of heat must be created to interfere with the technology.


A heat barrier can be created by trapping the heat from a simple incandescent 100 Watt light bulb in a structure. The structure can be a very large cardboard box. A good type of cardboard box is an empty box from a large screen flat panel TV. A 58 inch panel TV cardboard box is a perfect size.


The top part of the box is all that is needed. The bottom part and all wrapping material can be discarded. Place a lamp with a 100 Watt incandescent light bulb on the floor and simply place the cardboard box over the lamp. The air temperature inside the cardboard box will rise. An air temperature of around 100 degrees Fahrenheit must be reached to be most effective.


100 degrees Fahrenheit is near the body temperature of the human body so it will interfere with the thru-wall imaging technology. The classified technology can't see thru the box with inside air temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Several of these barriers can be created and placed around the person while sleeping. One side of the targeted person and top or bottom must have a heat barriers to prevent targeting while the targeted person sleeps. This configuration is only effective if the house next to the targeted person is being used the government agents.


A digital thermostat with a wireless transmitter remote might be useful. The remote can be placed in the heat barrier to monitor the temperature inside the box. A smoke detector should be in the room in case the lamp falls over or touches the box.


A heat barrier may be the only practical method of defeating the classified technology.


The United States government has been conducting a covert operation against the American people for several decades. Agents equipped with the classified surveillance technology move into one or more houses in a neighborhood community and conduct surveillance of members of the community. The objectives of the government's covert domestic operation are:


1) Desegregate American neighborhood communities.

2) Force treatment upon mentally ill people who have dangerous mental illnesses.

3) Rid communities of crime from organized crime, gangs, and drugs.


The government has been secretly shaping American society for decades. If you would like to learn more, please read the website listed below:


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US Secret Government Covertly Desegregating America’s Neighborhood Communities




A secret level of government exists in America. This secret government monitors, studies, influences, and acts to change American society. The secret government conducts covert domestic operations inside the Untied States against people who threaten their agenda.


The agenda of the secret United States government is as follows:

1)      Desegregate American neighborhood communities.

2)      Force treatment upon mentally ill people who have dangerous mental illnesses.

3)      Rid communities of crime from organized crime, gangs, and drugs.


In order for the secret United States government to accomplish this agenda, a secret covert operation has been ongoing for the last several decades. The covert operation involves equipping agents with classified surveillance technology to infiltrate communities throughout the United States.


The classified surveillance technology is similar to technology used to protect the national security of the United States. It is the same type used against foreign adversaries. The technology is used to see and hear electronically through walls of a house or building. The technology is house to house: From inside a house equipped with this technology, any surrounding house can be placed under complete surveillance.


Government agents equipped with the classified surveillance technology move into a house in a neighborhood to conduct surveillance of one or more surrounding houses in the neighborhood. The agents will buy or rent a house and secretly move the surveillance technology into the house. The surveillance devices will be hidden in furniture and boxes concealed from view.


To anyone else in the neighborhood, nothing out of the ordinary will be noticed. The neighborhood will simply notice that new neighbors have moved into the neighborhood.


Video and audio surveillance through walls is classified technology developed by the United States government. The device is easily moved into and out of a house. The device once pointed at a neighboring house can electronically see and hear through the walls of the neighboring house. All people in the neighboring house can be seen and heard through the walls of their house. All their movements and conversations can be monitored and recorded. All recorded surveillance is encrypted so no one other than the agents can review the recordings.


The surveillance technology is operated from inside the house used for surveillance. No visual evidence of the surveillance is possible from outside the house. No one will notice anything unusual occurring. Complete 24 hour surveillance of the house placed under surveillance is possible with this classified technology. An agent will always be operating the equipment to monitor the people under surveillance. Only a single room in the house used to conduct the surveillance is needed.


No detection devices are available to the general public. The surveillance technology is classified and only the government knows how it works. Anyone targeted for surveillance will not know they are under surveillance and they will have no way to detect it.


Detailed images of people through walls is possible with this classified surveillance technology. The device will display an image that is accurate enough to identify a person through a wall. The technology basically gives the agents X-Ray vision to see through walls. The technology can also hear a person through a wall. The technology is so sensitive it can hear a person breathing through a wall. Any conversation a targeted person has can be heard through the walls of his house.


A main objective of the secret government’s agenda is to desegregate America’s communities. By desegregating American’s communities the government wishes to bring equality across America. The government has desegregated schools, military, and the workplace. What most American’s are not aware of is that the secret American government has been working covertly behind the scenes to desegregate communities across America.


White communities that are segregated are targeted by the secret government. Agents of the same race as the community are moved into the segregated community. The agents will be equipped with the classified surveillance technology. The house will be setup for the surveillance operation. The classified surveillance technology will be moved into the house. No one in the neighborhood will notice anything out of the ordinary, other than the fact that new neighbors have arrived.


Once the house is setup for surveillance, the surveillance operation will begin. The objective of the surveillance operation is to study the community and discover the power structure of the community. The power structure is the people who influence the community and are likely responsible for keeping the community segregated.


The secret government may move several or more of these surveillance houses into the segregated community. The covert operation against the segregated community could take years to complete.


One tactic used by the agents is to move agents who are of a minority race into a house in the segregated community. These agents will not be equipped with classified surveillance technology. They will simply be people who buy a house in the segregated community.


The agents equipped with the surveillance technology will have the people involved in the power structure of the segregated community under complete surveillance. Once the power structure discovers minority people have moved into a house in the neighborhood, they may to conspire to work against the minority community members to force them out of the neighborhood.


The agents will be able to see and hear through the walls of the community members conspiring against the minority members of the community. All the meetings in their houses can be observed by video and audio surveillance through the walls of the houses.


Once the conspiring community members decide to execute a plan to somehow damage or in some other way harm the minority members, the agents will have complete knowledge of the plan.


An example is if the conspiring community members decide to damage the minority members’ house. A favorite tactic of the agents is to have a conventional video recorder setup outside the house of the minority community members to record the criminal activity by the conspiring community members.


Once a standard video recording is made of the crime, it can be released to the media and shown on TVs across America. Civil rights crimes can be brought against the people involved in the actually crime. The community members who actually committed the crime will disclose the other members in involved in the conspiracy for a reduced sentence.


The American people will never be made aware of the covert domestic operation or that classified technology is being used against the public. This covert operation is a slow process of bringing change across America.


Mentally ill people and people engaged in criminal activities are placed under surveillance in a similar manner. Over the last three decades, the covert domestic operation against the mentally ill has resulted in horrific tragedies. The use of classified surveillance technology and classified harassment technology (not explained on this page) has resulted in wild conspiracy theories and urban legends spread through the media and Internet.


The secret United States government has been working behind the scenes for decades shaping America. Most Americans will never know of the secret government or covert domestic operations.


Please read the website mentioned for further information of the other aspects of the covert domestic operation.



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Psychiatry Using High Technology to Regain Influence in US





Psychiatry is now using technology to artificially create symptoms of serious mental illness in people. Technology that uses a beam of ultrasonic sound that can pass through walls, floors, and ceilings to attack people in their own homes in now in the hands of harassment groups in the United States.


This technology can be moved into a neighboring house to a targeted person and from the neighboring house the targeted person can be attacked in his own home. The ultrasonic beam cannot be heard or seen, only felt by the person under attack. One person in a house where many people live can be singled out and attacked with this technology. The technology leaves no physical evidence of the attack behind.


The targeted person can experience one or more of the following symptoms: 1) Burning sensations in legs. 2) Involuntary movements (jolts) in fingers and limbs. 3) Numb sensations on areas on top of head. 4) Hearing strange noises (voices) no one else can hear. 4) Trouble sleeping due to the symptoms just mentioned.


Psychiatry is looking to regain control of the lives of the American people. A covert operation by a secret element in the United States government to return lost power to psychiatry has been under way for decades.


The covert operation involves the targeting of specially selected innocent people throughout the United States. The covert operation would find people that could be tricked into believing some extraordinary event is occurring in their life.


Classified technology to trick people into believing that an extraordinary event is occurring in their lives has been developed by the United States over the last few decades. Technology that can direct an audible message to one person in a house from a distant location is being used against innocent American citizens.


The covert operation has used this directed audio technology against mothers who claim to have killed their children because God told them to do it. God may not be the person who commanded the mothers to do it but rather agents of the secret United States government.


Over the last two or three decades you might have heard stories of people who claim to have lived in haunted houses. Most of the symptoms experienced by these people who claim a supernatural event can be caused by classified harassment technology developed by the secret element in the United States government.


The secret element of the United States government has been studying mental illness for decades and has decided to put strong laws in place against people with mental illnesses that they feel could threaten society.


In order to put these strong laws in place, it must change public opinion in favor of these new laws. One way to accomplish this is to scare the public into supporting these laws. The secret government has put a covert operation in place to change pubic opinion.


The secret government is creating tragedy with this classified technology in selected locations throughout the United States. A neighborhood rocked by a community member who commits a violent act of killing a family member is one aftermath of this covert operation.


A mother claims she received commands from God to kill her children is a successful part of the covert operation. The news media reports the headline “God Tells Mother to Kill Her Children”. American pubic opinion is swayed by these horrific news reports. Advocacy groups who support stronger laws against the mentally ill use the tragedy to rally the American people to support strong laws against the mentally ill. Victim family members are used by the advocacy groups as poster child to support the stronger laws. Victim names are even used as name of laws against the mentally ill.


All of this due to a covert operation against the mentally ill that tricked the mother to kill her children in the first place. The secret government creates the tragedy and sits back and watches the chaos unfold.


The secret government has been at this with haunted houses also. A haunted house story that claims the family heard strange noises and voices in their family home. Strange sensations like feeling the presence of a ghost. A slap in the face by a so called spirit and a verbal command to “Get out of this house” is all accomplished by the secret government classified harassment government.


The very popular haunted house stories portrayed in Hollywood movies may just be the handy work of the secret United States government.


People with mental illnesses are the primary target for these covert operations. Mentally ill people can easily be tricked and manipulated by the covert operation. When a person who appears to have a mental illness claims to have lived in a haunted house, the general public will generally believe that the person’s claims are a result of his or her mental illness.


The objective of the secret United States government’s covert operation is to change pubic opinion in favor of state and federal laws requiring the forced medication and monitoring of people with serious mental illnesses.


All states would be required to forcible medicate and monitor people considered seriously mentally ill. The classified technology would be used to seek out people who display symptoms of serious mental illness and attack them to drive them out of control so they can be forced into this new mental health system.


Children who display symptoms of serious mental illnesses can be forced into the mental health system. If parents are not cooperative, the child can be attacked with the classified technology and tricked into committing a violent act. The child can then be used by mental health advocacy groups as a poster child of what can happen if parents do not get proper mental health care for their children.


This covert operation will give psychiatry the authority they have been seeking for decades. Psychiatry has been developing the DSM-IV over the past decades. The DSM-IV is the guide a psychiatrist uses to diagnose mental illness. Drug companies have been developing the psychiatric drugs over the past decades. And now its time for the government to change the laws so psychiatry can regain its control over the American people.


The era of the surgical lobotomy is over and now the era of the chemical lobotomy has begun.






A Warning To All Parents About The Government




Parents of mentally handicapped and mentally ill children should be warned about technology used by the government to force their children to receive mental health care from the current mental health care system. If your child is viewed as a threat to the community, your child could be targeted by community watch groups with access to classified surveillance and harassment technology.


Once a family with one or more members viewed as a threat to the community is identified, the watch group will move into a neighboring house to conduct surveillance of the family. The group will conduct complete surveillance of the family with classified technology that can electronically see and hear through walls.


The surveillance period can last from weeks to months. A decision is made after the surveillance period of how to deal with the person or persons believed to be a threat. Classified technology now exist that can attack a single person through walls of a house.


The technology can be used to single out one person in a house and attack them. The technology leaves no physical evidence after the attack. The technology is used from a neighboring house to the targeted person, in another house. It can artificially create symptoms that a psychiatrist will diagnose as a serious mental disorder.


The technology uses directed sound that passes through walls and can’t be heard or seen but felt by the person targeted. The technology is similar to a light laser but instead of using light, the technology uses sonic energy to direct a beam of sound that is out of the hearing range of humans through a house. One person can be singled out and attacked with the technology while other people in the house will experience no effects of the technology. No physical damage is done to the person or house.


The person attacked with this technology will experience any of the following:


1)         Burning sensations in the legs.

2)         Hearing strange voices or noises.

3)         Jolts or involuntary movements to parts of the body (limbs or fingers for example)

4)         Numb feelings in areas on top of head.

5)         Loss of sleep due to the above mentioned symptoms.

6)         Inability to sleep throughout the night.


A mentally handicapped child may not be able to communicate the above mentioned symptoms to the parent. The child may simply be driven out of control by the technology.


The government is currently using the technology to target carefully selected mentally handicapped and mentally ill people throughout the United States. The aftermath of this covert government operation against innocent civilians in the United States is the following:


1)         Mothers kill their children and claim that God told them to do it.

2)         Mentally handicapped adult/child goes out of control and hurts or kills other people.

3)         People claim that they live in a haunted house.

4)         People claim they are victims of mind control or radiation weapons.


The government is currently using the classified technology to create tragedy throughout the United States. The purpose of this is to create fear among the public so stricter laws can be enacted to force mentally handicapped and mentally ill people into the public mental health care system for treatment.


The goal of the government is strong state or federal laws requiring the forced medication and monitoring of people with mental disabilities or mental illnesses that are considered dangerous to the public.


The government wishes to put this technology in the hands of neighbor watch groups and those groups will make determinations of who is placed under surveillance and who is attacked. These groups will manage the mental health of the community. The groups will discover threats to the community and take steps to eliminate the threat.


These groups will be able to electronically look into any house in the community to conduct surveillance without any type of warrant. The technology will allow the removal of any individual from the community.


A child targeted may windup in a mental institution, setup and sent to jail, or commit suicide. The local groups have complete digression on how to deal with the threat to the community.


The technology artificially creates symptoms of serious mental disorders. This technology can be used to target and single out a single person in a house. Once the targeted child describes the symptoms of the attack to other people, the system can step in and take over.


Psychiatrists use the DSM-IV to diagnosis mental illness. The DSM-IV is the bible of for mental illness. The symptoms artificially created by this technology are detailed in the DSM-IV. Once the symptoms are described to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist can legally declare the person as mentally ill.


Children targeted with this technology will be at an extreme disadvantage compared to an adult. An adult targeted can simply move to another community or state but a child will not be able to do this.


Once child describes the symptoms to parent, the parent may force the child to see a psychiatrists. If the parent refuses to take the child to a psychiatrist, the system may remove the child from the parent’s custody.


The school system, law enforcement, and local community services are looking for children exhibiting systems of serious mental illness and laws have been enacted or are being drafted to find children exhibiting these symptoms and force treatment upon them.


This high-tech method to force treatment upon children is the government’s response to school shootings and other tragedies involving children with mental disabilities or mental illnesses. The future will involve a proactive approach to mental illness.


There are no detection devices available the general public to detect the classified surveillance technology or harassment technology. Any family targeted will be at the mercy of the government.


Any attempt to report the surveillance or harassment is a waste of time. Law enforcement will do nothing to help. In fact reporting this to law enforcement may be a tragic mistake because law enforcement may be able to detain a person making the complaint if state law allows.


Only a few specially selected members of law enforcement are aware of the technology so don’t expect any help from any member of law enforcement. Don’t make the mistake of going to law enforcement.


The same applies to the mental health system. Only a select few are aware of the technology. Any psychiatrist will be required to diagnose a person making complaint of this type of harassment as being mentally ill.


The days of the mental heath system grabbing people off the street and institutionalizing   them are not over. The days of the surgical lobotomy are over but the days of the chemical lobotomy are now just beginning.


With today’s medication for the mentally ill, a child targeted can be identified as a threat to the community and action taken to insure the child gets a chemical lobotomy. The child can be forced for the reset of his life to take the medication after the technology is used to artificially create symptoms.


Parents should learn of this technology and be prepared to identify the artificial symptoms created by the technology. This is the high-tech era and to think this technology doesn’t exist is not wise and possibly dangerous to yourself and member of your family.



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How CIA and FBI Conducts Covert Domestic Surveillance




The information provided here will detail how the CIA and FBI conduct covert domestic surveillance of people living inside the United States.


Covert government groups have access to classified surveillance technology to conduct surveillance of targeted people. This classified surveillance technology can electronically see and hear through walls. The classified technology basically gives government agents X-Ray vision to see right through walls. The government now has the ability to see and hear a targeted person through walls of a house or building.


The capability of the classified video surveillance is accurate enough to identify a person through walls. There is no where to hide in a conventional house from this technology. Through the walls, the government can see you in your living room, kitchen, basement, bedroom, or attic.


The classified audio surveillance technology is sensitive enough to hear a person breathing through walls of a house.


With the classified video and audio surveillance technology the government agents can see all the targeted person actions and movements, and hear all conversations made by the targeted person(s) in his house. All movements and conversations the targeted person makes in his house can be monitored and recorded.


A device is simply pointed at targeted person’s house from inside the neighboring house allows this video and audio surveillance of the targeted person to take place.


The classified surveillance technology is portable enough to move into and out of a neighboring house to the targeted person. A single house neighboring the targeted person is all that is needed to conduct this complete surveillance.


No government agents have to enter the targeted person’s house. The classified technology can see and hear through walls so there is no need for the government agents to risk entering the targeted person’s house.


Government agents must find a neighboring house to the targeted person to conduct the surveillance. Neighbors are approached by the government agents. The agents may rent or lease a house or if the neighbor can be trusted the agents may move in and live with the neighbor. The neighbor is usually told that national security is involved and they are helping their country by allowing the surveillance of their neighbor. A single room isolated from the rest of the house is all that is needed. Government agents will move the classified surveillance technology into the neighboring house and begin the surveillance.


The targeted person will be followed to and from work and anywhere else he may go. Workplace surveillance of the targeted person is accomplished by moving a group of government agents involved in a small business near the workplace of the targeted person.


Government agents conducting workplace surveillance of targeted people operate small businesses that can easily and quickly be moved near a targeted person’s workplace. All employees of these small businesses are government agents who are involved in the electronic surveillance or road surveillance of the targeted person. Usually two or more of these small businesses are moved near the targeted person’s workplace.


The targeted person will be followed to and from work by members of these businesses. Electronic surveillance is also conducted of the targeted person if one of these small businesses can be moved close enough to the targeted person’s workplace.


Government agents also will attempt to gain employment at the targeted person’s company to conduct a low level surveillance of the targeted person. This type of surveillance may involve keeping simple tabs on the targeted person.


The targeted person will never be made aware of the surveillance against him. Everything will appear as normal to the targeted person. Nothing out of the ordinary to the targeted person’s home or workplace will be noticeable.


The surveillance technology is classified and no detection equipment is available to the general public to detect it. The targeted person can’t detect it so there is no way to prevent it, stop it, or prove it. The American people are at the mercy of the government with this technology.


People placed under surveillance will be people who threaten or likely to threaten the national security or public safety. The government uses the classified surveillance technology for covert operations against the American people. There is no way to prove the covert operations are taking place.


Please visit the website listed below for more information:


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