High Reaches Weyr

Club Policy
Note to Parents

Club Information
Board of Directors
Mating Flights

Character Information

Joining the Club
Join Form
Lurker Form


Some positions are given out by club vote, but there are a few that can only be obtained by winning a contest, which means doing something productive in addition to a vote. Each contest has various requirements that must be met before a person can enter. Before applying, please make sure you have read over all of the requirements and have met them.

Both Weyrwoman and Weyrleader positions are currently open, and can be yours by means of a contest! Please, read over the following information before deciding whether or not to apply.


In essence, the Weyrwoman is the most important position in the Weyr, and as such she is one of Pern's main leaders. She is expected to be able to lead the Weyr through the bad times as well as the good. She appoints the Headwoman, and oversees the domestic side of the Weyr. Forget the legends about the perfect Weyrwoman - kind, yet firm, to the dragonriders, and who always knows exactly what to do in every single situation. "Real" Weyrwomen have their problems just like any other Pernese.

The Weyrwoman would be required to help out in any way needed. Whether making sure the Holds are sending proper tithes, to the assignment of weyrs, as well as settling any debates, the Weyrwoman is constantly on the go. Free time is a rarity for her, and ignoring duties for the sake of play may cause the downfall of the Weyr.

This rank carries a requirement of three posts every month. In addition to this, a mating flight, a clutch post, and a Hatching post are all required to be written about. It is required that this persona be at least 30 turns of age, with at least 10 turns of experience as a dragonrider.


This position is constantly changing, for the rider whose dragon catches the senior queen will become the Weyrleader. It is his duty to help in the running of the Weyr -- meeting Threadfall and wing practices are two of his biggest duties.

He settles debates among the dragonriders, and assigns each dragonrider to a wing. This is not as easy as it sounds, for each rider in a wing should mesh together almost perfectly. It is his job to lead the Weyr through each Fall, keeping an eye on everyone and giving orders while at the same time assisting his bronze to sear the Thread around them.

This rank carries a requirement of three posts every month. Suggested posts include: Threadfall, wing practices, and wing duty / report lists. It is required that this persona be a bronzerider of at least 30 turns of age, with at least 15 turns of experience as a dragonrider.

The Contest

In order to apply for either of these positions, the following information should be sent to the Board. All members are eligible to run for this contest. Each member may apply for either or both, but may hold only one.

  • A Persona Sheet
  • A Sample Post
         This can be about anything, from a post that describes them, to a meeting, to scrubbing the latrines.
         The post should be roughly 5K, or two typed pages.
  • A Project
         Again, this is your choice, provided it benefits the Club in some way.

    All ideas should be your own; please do not reuse a persona from another Weyr, be it yours or another persons. No suggestions will be given, although members are free to confer and plot among themselves. There is no deadline set for either contest, although one may be announced soon.

    After the deadline has passed, all entries will be displayed for the club to chose the best entry to win the Weyrwoman and Weyrleader.