To All My People from SCHS Band!
This goes out to my second family, and my second father! WOOHOO! GO HIGHLANDERS! SCOTTISH AND BAND PRIDE! Here's just a few things that reminds me of you all! (luv you guys!!!!!!)

-DON'T EVER clap to "Scotland the Brave" (hehe, never have, never will)

-A "5-minute break" usually means a "20-minute break"

-There's gunna be an inside joke when Mr. J. says something strange or does something (heh heh, Hi Mr. J..............)

-We have the STRANGEST inside jokes: (and I'll add more as they come)
*weight room
*"Have you ever played golf?"
*"Bre you have to blow harder. No....harder...."
*DJ the turtle
*"It's been proven!" "Oh really...."
*"Hey that looks like a duck!!" "Ohmygosh! It does!"
*"It's falling!"
*snow angels
*"The ref's ass is out-of-bounds?!"
*Turtles with 6 legs
*more agitatoer
*"They say filing papers is very therapeutic..."
*we WISH
*trash cans
*soda up the nose
*soda machines
*gym doors
*Laura's uncooked hotdog
*Robert the hot skittle
*Yum! Yum! Yum!
*golf clap
*why are you being such an asshole?

-No matter how many times we complain, we will always have to sit on metal benches, in 21 degree weather, at night, in a kilt, for about 2 hours.

-ALWAYS take Mr. J's advice when it's 60+ degrees outside and wear shorts, band t-shirt, and flip flops to marching band practice

-When he says "One more time" it ALWAYS means "We are going to play this until I think it is perfect." (Thank you, Mr. J, for everytime you do that! We always appreciate it in the long run!)

-It's a sure thing that we will watch at least one PGA tournament every year.

-The band room will always be 80+ degrees regardless of the temperature outside.

-Our friends who are not in band will always be disgusted by the fact that we empty our spit valves onto the band room floor. (I still don't quite understand this)

-We are very lucky that we don't see Mr. J. pissed off that often. And when he does have the occasional outburst...makes me cry. (YES IT DOES!  ::tear:: Fine, call me a baby, I just don't like it when people are mad at me!)

-ALWAYS make sure the band room door is actually locked before asking Mr. J. to unlock it. Failure to do so will result in you being called "wierd." (I speak from experience...good times!)

-Band is fun and NO ONE can say otherwise!

-Roll stepping becomes a way of life, and we do it without even noticing! (Well, I've noticed my fellow band people doing it...dunno bout myself...)

-Being away from school longer than 2 days (without being with the rest of the band) always makes us homesick. (Yes, for the band room..........oh come on.......ADMIT IT! YOU MISS THE BAND ROOM! haha)

-If anyone says anything, we will someway, somehow relate it to band.

-Everytime there's a fire drill, I'll ALWAYS start out a story by saying, "This reminds me of that one time, during marching band practice when..."

MORE ON PAGE 2! (yes, multiple pages, lol...lotsa stuff remind me of you all! *hugglez* Luv you all! I don't think I can say that enough! lol. Hint: Click "More on page 2" for next page.)