CwG Weekly Bulletin #39: End Times.or Just the Beginning?

My dear friends...I have just come across something that is quite extraordinary. I invite you to take a look at it here:

Then, I invite you to revisit -- or send someone else to visit -- this site:

Finally, this week I would like to invite you to look at deciding to make
a real difference in our world, and to gather with others in even more
collective actions that can change our experience of life on this

I was re-reading the copy this week at, and I found myself becoming excited all over again at the possibilities present when large numbers of people join
hands and combine energies. Maybe you might think of a friend or two this
week who might be served by learning about Humanity's Team. Could you please
send them this link? That would be so great. Such a wonderful help, just in
spreading the word. Thanks.


Now, let's see what else is in store for us in this edition of the Weekly Bulletin!

1) End Times.or Just the Beginning?
2) Question of the Week from a CwG Reader: "Revenge and Justice: Is there a difference?"
3) The Product of the Week: a special selection from our CwG Store offered, for this week only, at a discount price.
4) My Mistake?

1) End Times.or Just the Beginning?

I am so saddened by these thoughts that keep surfacing about how the
world as we know it is going to end. The end of the world has been predicted
from the beginning of time. And with the choices we are making, the world
very well may end sometime soon . . . or certainly, life as it is now being
lived may change amazingly and dramatically.

But the question in front of us should not be, 'Oh, my, what is going to
happen to me? And the world?'

The way to prepare is to ask, how can I use this moment now to become
the personification of the grandest version of the greatest vision ever I
held about myself? How can I heal myself and heal the world? What good can I
do in this moment now to bring more love, more light, more awareness, more
understanding, and more unconditional acceptance to the world?  How can
I touch the part of me which is touched in every moment of God?

What happens on this planet occurs out of the will of the Collective
Consciousness. It is the product of the Combined Reality shared by all.
That combined reality is shaped, formed, created in part by you, every hour,
every day. Thoughts are things, and can be used by you to change the
things which have been created by other thoughts which have preceded you.

There is much writing out there that suggests that we are on a
collision course which cannot be avoided; that our fate is predestined. Yet I
tell you this:

NOTHING is predestined in the Mind of God, for the Mind of God is
YOUR mind, thinking what it is thinking right now. Yours, and mine, and
everyone else's. It is OUR thoughts, OUR ideas, OUR decision, OUR choices, OUR
determinations which will, and do, create our Reality.

That is the Largest Message of God: YOU ARE CREATING YOUR OWN
REALITY. So few really get that. Even few so-called "New Agers." If they did, they
wouldn't ask questions such as "Are the end-times predictions true?"
They would ask "What do I choose now to do in the face of all the world's
thoughts about this?"

Then they would answer the question, not merely ask it, waiting for
an answer from another.

You know all you need to know of love, of peace, of harmony, of
honesty and integrity, kindness and goodness, peace and, yes, even of God.
Simply act as if you did. Make every day, every moment, a living monument to
what you really know of these things; a living testimony to what you have
decided about these things; a living demonstration of Who You Really Are.

Do what you ARE. Do loving, kind, gentle, peaceful, honorable,
healing things. Every day. Everywhere you go. With every person whose life you
touch. Then, seek to touch even more lives. And then, even more after
that. Reach out and touch the world with your magnificence, and the
magnificence of the Truth of Who You Are. Of who we all are.

In every moment we have the choice to live in Love or in Fear. Choose
Love now, and in every moment. If the world is going to end as we know it,
so what? I mean really . . . so what?  Only one of two things can happen .
. . you are going to die with it, in which case you'll be in a far better
place than ever you imagined. . . or you will be continuing to live, and in
the most exciting times this planet has ever seen. And you will be one of
the few with an understanding of all that happened, and all that can then
happen, to create a Newer World.

So live not in Fear, but in Faith. Faith that whatever the future
holds, it is perfect. God is a loving God. Nothing is created - nothing -
which does not proceed to your Highest Good. You either believe that or you
don't. If you do, there is nothing I need to say to make everything feel
better to you. If you don't, there is nothing I can say.

I don't claim to know or have all the answers. Neither, I think, do
the doomsayers, nor anyone else. All messages we receive are received
through the filters of our own understandings and prior beliefs. In other
words, Neale hears what Neale is prepared to hear, ready to hear, trained to
hear, predisposed to hear. Only you can decide whether what Neale hears from
his Source is anything close to the Truth of YOUR being. The same is true
of the material which comes through anyone else.

With the rapidly changing events in our world, it may very well be
shaken to its core within the next several years - or less. Some say this

The question is, Then what? What will you do then?  What good will
you be to the rest of us? To those who are in fear and anguish, trembling in
the dark, afraid of the future?

I say this to you, my friend. You have been sent to the world at
precisely this time in order to be one of those who heals the world, not sends it
further into fear. Do that. It is not difficult. Anyone who has ever
received even so much as a smile from you would tell you how easy it is
for you to do that.

Go, therefore, and be a gift unto the world. And smile a lot. For a
smile is love announced. Love of whatever and whoever it is you are smiling

2) The Question of the Week from a CwG Reader:
"Revenge and Justice: Is there a difference?"

Dear Mr. Walsch......I've almost finished with Book 1, and I am sure
that in order for me to completely, if ever, understand it, I will need to
read it over and over and over (as God, He, She, It, You or Me says!). In
one of your bulletins, I hope you will discuss the difference between wanting
revenge and waiting for justice. Thank you. Veda, TX

Dear Veda......God never seeks revenge because God cannot be damaged.
Justice is an interesting word which allows us to "justify" revenge.
Justice is our human system for getting back, getting "even," or protecting
ourselves from our next imagined hurt.

All hurt is imagined (as is, for that matter, all of physical life).
When we imagine ourselves to have been hurt, we often also imagine that we
have to "undo" the hurt by making someone "pay for it." Or, at the very
least, we decide we have to protect ourselves from being "hurt" again.

This thought system is at the root of all that we would call
"justice." It is an insane thought system in that it rests its case upon a truth
which is not a truth, but a lie: the idea that we can be hurt or damaged at all.

One of the great teachings of the Jesus experience was that not even
death can overcome us; that we are all Sons of God. This is a teaching which
has been missed by all but a tiny handful of Masters who now walk the

For those people who continue to believe in a paradigm which suggests
that we are not all powerful, immortal beings, it might be well to notice
that the Universe has its own system for achieving Balance in all things,
and that system is called Cause and Effect, or Natural Outcome. There are
natural outcomes to every thought, word or action...and these natural
outcomes are often "punishment" enough, if punishment is indeed what
"justice" requires.

No one who is embodied in God -- that is, living and walking in
Godliness -- has the slightest need for what you would call "justice."
Justice is, essentially, wanting something "bad" to happen to another
because something "bad" has happened to us. God knows that nothing
"bad" can happen to God, and therefore God needs nothing "bad" to ever happen to

It is all really quite simple. And, I admit, quite "elevated." Yet it
is this level of thinking and experiencing to which God continually
invites us.

God discusses much more about justice in The New Revelations in the
area on the 3 Basic Life Principles.  You may find that information helpful
in your study, Veda.


If you enjoy reading the questions and answers here, you will also
enjoy our monthly newsletter, Conversations.  Each month Neale responds
therein to several questions sent to him by our readers from around the world.  If
you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, click here

My Mistake?

I think it's very godly to acknowledge that it's okay to make a
mistake. We have all made them - and since we are all a part of God, then it can
be fairly argued that God makes mistakes.

We cannot say that we are One with God with one breath, and deny that
God makes mistakes with the other. If God were infallible, and if we are
indeed One with God, then it would stand to reason that we would be

Yet we clearly are not. Therefore, either we are NOT One with God, or
the God with which we are One makes "mistakes."

Now the quibble here will be with the definition of the word
"mistake." In human terms, a "mistake" is when we do something we did not mean to do,
or when we do something we absolutely meant to do, but it produces a
different outcome from the one we hoped for or intended. That is a "mistake."

Since God has no preference in the matter of how our lives turn out,
or how they are experienced moment-to-moment, it would be difficult, in
Godly terms, to speak of something as being a "mistake." So, in that context,
God has never made a mistake, and is, indeed, incapable of making one.

Yet the part of God which is us has, apparently, a great many
preferences. And to the degree that we have preferences, to that degree we create
the possibility of "making mistakes."

To put this in simple terms, you can't make a wrong turn if you have
no preference as to where you're going.

The CwG Weekly Bulletin is written by Neale Donald Walsch.  It is
produced by Joanne Gabriel and edited by Rose Wolfenbarger with technical
contributions from Ed Keller, Dominic Allamano, Ilima Sylva and Roger

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See you next week!


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