


Ballistic stretching


Base of support

Baseline measurements

Beam nonuniformity ratio (BNR)

Bell’s palsy

Bending load

Bernouli’s principle










Body composition



Break test


Bulimia (bulimia nervosa)

Buoyant force

Bursa (pl. bursae)

Bacterial infection in the blood

Morphologically, the simplest group of nongreen vegetable organisms, various species of which are involved in fermentation and putrefaction, the production of disease, and the fixing of atmospheric nitrogen; a schizomycete

Halting the growth of bacteria

Older stretching technique that uses repetitive bouncing motions

Strip of cloth or other material used to cover a wound

Area beneath and between the points of contact an object has with the ground

The initial physical findings; either from the pre-season physical examination in the athlete or upon the initial evaluation during an injury or illness

Amount of variability of the ultrasound beam

Inhibition of the facial nerve secondary to trauma or disease, resulting in flaccidity of the facial muscles. In individuals suffering from bell’s palsy, the face on the involved side appears elongated

Combination of forces that produce tensile stresses near one surface of an object, compressive stresses near the opposite surface, and shear stress throughout the object so that the object becomes a beam; as a result of a bending load, an object will deform by deflecting in a curved shape

Lateral pressure in a moving fluid decreases as the velocity of the fluid increases

Chemical substance produced in the brain

How completely a particular drug is absorbed by the system

Having a similar biological effect

A substance that is toxic to humans, animals, or the environment

Branch of study that applies the laws of mechanics to living organisms and biological tissuesThe effect of muscular forces, joint axes, and resistance on the quality and quantity of human movementThe study of forces and their effects on living systems

Transforming a drug so it can be metabolized

Having two feet or moving on two feet

A large, loose blood vessel that has the potential to rupture

Basal metabolic rate

Percent body fat plus lean body weight

A support used to maintain the position of a body part

Peptide chemical that causes pain in an injured area

An isometric contraction against manual resistance provided by the examiner; used to determine the athlete’s ability to generate a static force within a muscle or muscle group

Pertaining to the cheek or mouth

Binge-purge eating disorderA condition marked by periods of insatiable appetite (binge eating) followed by selfinduced vomiting (purging)

Upward force acting on an object in a fluid that is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object

A fluid-filled sac decreases friction between adjoining soft tissues or between soft tissue and bones

Inflammation of a bursa, especially those bursae located between bony prominences and a muscle or tendon such as those of the shoulder and knee