Home care for Head Injuries

An athlete who has sustained a head injury may have delayed progression of symptoms. Therefore, they should be carefully observed for at least 24 hours after the concussion. It is recommended, unless otherwise advised, that the athlete be awakened every two hours during the night to watch for signs of deteriorating condition.

Only prescription medications should be taken. Specifically, avoid taking any aspirin-containing products for at least the first 24 hours after the injury. Tylenol or some other brand of acetaminophen may be taken discomfort. Do not take any narcortics, such as codeine, unless they were specifically described for you for this injury.

Limit solid food for the first 12 hours; liquids may be ingested such as Gatorade, juices, or milk. No alcoholic beverages.

If any of the following symptoms develop, go to the Emergency Room immediately;
- Unusual drowsiness or confusion when awakened
- Difficulty giving clear answers to routine questions
- Slurred speech
- Change in behavior or irritability
- Staggering when walking
- Increasingly severe headache
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Weakness, paralysis, or abnormal sensation in the extremities or face
- Convulsion
- Drainage of blood or clear fluid from nose or ears
- Loss of consciousness

If you have any questions, please call;