
Clinical Anatomy
- Muscular Anatomy
- Respiratory Tract Anatomy
- Digestive Tract Anatomy
- Lymphatic Organ Anatomy
- Urinary Tract Anatomy
- Reproductive Tract Anatomy

The Thorax and Abdomen

- Location of pain
- Onset of symptoms
- Mechanism of injury
- Symptoms
- History
- General medical health

- Guarding pattern
- Breathing pattern

  - Lung trauma (pneumothorax, hemothrax, or pulmonary contusion)
- Discoloration of skin
- Vomiting
- Hematuria
- Ausculation

  - "gurgling" (peristalasis) with stethoscope --- indicating internal injury

- Sternum
   - Xiphoid
   - Sternal body
- Costal cartilage and ribs

   - Check pain, crepitus, and deformity
- Spleen
   - Under left rib cage
Kern's sign (pain in the upper left quadrant and left shoulder) indicate a ruptured spleen that is irritating the
- Kidneys
- Appendix

   - McBurney's point (1/3 of the way between right ASIS and navel) indicates acute appendicitis.

Vital Signs
- Heart rate

   - 60-100 BPM (checked by carotid pulse)
- Respiratory rate
   - 12-20 breathe per minute
Rapid, shallow --- Internal injury
Deep, quick --- athma
   - N
oisy, raspy --- Airway obstructions
- Blood pressure

Neurological Tests

- Referred pain patterns

Special Tests
- Kidney function

  - Urinalysis
- Abdominal injury
  - Abdominal percussion --- Indicating internal bleeding
- Rib fractures
  - Compression Test