FAERIES   $18.00

Anemone, smiling at the sun
(with flower, or toadstool)

Some faeries are more inclined than others towards contact with humans. Anemone is very friendly in this regard and if the faery-spotter is lucky enough to meet her whilst she's engaged in sun worship, it may be possible to engage her in conversation. Provided one speaks faery.
Callista, napping on flower

On steamy summer eveings, the hedgerow's inhabitants are often languid from the heat. Occasionally, it's possible to catch a faery taking advantage of the deliciously cool and soothing dew that collects on even the smallest of flowers, lulling them to slumber.
Carya, glimpsed for a moment
(with flower, or toadstool)

While some faeries are downright gregarious, a few are extremely shy. Amongst the most elusive is Carya. She is rarely seen, and only as an ephemeral glimpse by even the most devoted faery-spotters.
Cleome, gathering acorns and berries

Plants and faeries enjoy an ancient kinship.
Faeries,  like goblins, will often gather fruits of various
plants and sow them throughout the forests and
hedgerows - ensuring future generations of plants and
faeries will continue to benefit from one another.
Philla, playing feather flute

Faeries are by their very nature musical and will create instruments out of any given object. A wren feather with holes cut makes a fine flute for creating enchanting faery music. It is said in folklore that if anyone can find a feather flute and blow a note upon it, it will bring good luck for the remainder of their days.
Tiarella, riding Smedley the snail

Most faeries travel on wing. Tiarella prefers riding on snails. A fine method of transport - provided one has patience and a great deal of time. Tiarella is known for her mischievous sense of humour, and even the creatures of the hedgerow are not safe from her good-natured teasing.

Giddyap Smedley!
Tilia, butterfly charmer

Faeries are great admirers of other winged creatures, and often enjoy close connections with butterflies. As young faeries learn the art of flight, butterflies often assist and encourage them to greater heights. Tilia's friends can be seen far and wide throughout the faery wood, and in the hedgerow.
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