

Job: Write most of the tools/tutorials.
Contact: Here
About: I'm 15 years old, I've been programming for about 3 years. Only seriously for about 1 year, so please excuse my code :). I started out with QBasic, then went on to VB3, then to VB5, then to C++. I'm learning some asm, C, hopefully HTML (as you can see, I'm not very good at it :). My other hobbies include baseball, basketball, football, hunting, fishing, rock climbing, messing with electronics, hiking, and a bunch of other stuff I don't feel like listing.

I am looking for one or two more staff members to help with the site, and or help with writing new challenges. As you can see, we are down to only 1 staff member. If you're interested please email with any ways you can help out. Thanks!


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