dancer.gif (19166 bytes) www.hcvideo.comdancer.gif (19166 bytes)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you have a question, please read this first.  If you still have questions, or would like to comment on something, please feel free to e-mail me.

Q. How much do the videos cost?
Videos are $25 each. including shipping within the US.   Every 5th video is free, i.e. 5 videos for $100, 10 for $200 and so on... 
     For quantities in excess of 20, the discounts are as follows:
     21- 40  = $18 per video
     41- 60  = $15 per video
     61-103 = $12 per video
     Special Offer:    All 103 videos for $1000 (less than $10 per video)
Q. What are the shipping charges?
A. There is no extra charge for shipping within the U. S.  For overseas, the shipping charges are as follows:
Location First 5 videos Each additional Video
Canada & South America $10.00 $2.00
Europe & Africa $20.00 $3.00
Asia & Australia $30.00 $5.00
Q. Do you have videos in PAL/SECAM format?
A. Not at this time.  However, if you are looking for videos in any format other than NTSC (format used in the U.S. and Canada), please send me an e-mail and I will inform you if and when it does become available.
Q. Do you ship discreetly?
A. Yes.  All orders are shipped in a plain envelope or carton with no outer markings other than a return PO Box address.  Furthermore, the videos themselves have a label with only the title (ie 'HC-1')  on it.
Q. Do you trade any of your videos?
A. Yes.  I trade for original videos with content similar to mine.  I am currently also looking for the following videos:  Mardi Gras, Naked Mile, Spring Break etc.  If you would like to work out a trade, please send me an e-mail with your complete list and descriptions.  Do not send out anything before a mutually acceptable trade agreement has been established.  
Q. I have something I would like to trade with you, but I don't want anyone else to see it.  Is that possible?
A. Yes.  I occasionally trade with people who, for various reasons, want to keep their videos out of circulation.  I respect their wishes and keep that video for my personal 'enjoyment' only.  Because I trade with a lot of people, I ask that you write 'FOR YOUR EYES ONLY' on the video label as a further safeguard.
Q. Can I see some pictures (screen caps) of your videos before I send you an order?
A. Sorry, I do not send screen caps.
Q. If I put my e-mail address on the order form, will you sell it to other businesses?
A. Absolutely not!   Your e-mail address will never be sold to anyone.  It will only be used in case there was a problem with your order or for sending you updates (as in major additions to the collection etc.).  I abhor spamming just as much as you do and would never contribute to it. 
Q. Why do some of the videos have repeats of scenes?
A. In order to avoid generation loss and to maintain their authenticity, all videos are presented in their original format.  I try not to edit the videos, other than to combine more than one sequence.
Q. Why such a long delay in updating your videos?
A. For every video that I add to the list, I reject 4 (lately its been about 7-8) that are not worth your money.   This means that unless I have anything of value to add to the list, I don't.  I am going to try and update the list more often.  However, I need your help, so please send me your original voyeur material.

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