Quake 3 Review


This is a test" say the gaming gurus at id in a mantra-like consistency as you download - so be warned. Some machines may even run this version at a slower frame rate than the previous test, though to be fair there's a lot more going on here (and a fair amount of optimization to be worked on). Then again, other configurations will see a ten fold increase in performance. Time to upgrade again regardless.

So what's new? Special effects such as mirrored reflection mapping on surfaces are sure to make the hardcore eye candy fans salivate, and the weapons are slightly more balanced. It's a significant improvement over the last early release, and shows just how hard those nuts at id work at making the game perfect. Barring a few bugs such as lack of wheel mouse support (which you won't miss if you never tried, but is essential once you become accustomed to it) and some server connection issues, this is pretty darn close to the final game and is essential for any first person shooter fan. If you plan on spending your holidays fragging everyone in sight, you better get this and start practicing...

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