HEVEA    brasiliensIt is a tropical tree. It is native to the    Amazon Basin in Brazil and adjoining countries. In the early stages (that is    up to about 1910) most rubber was harvested from "wild trees" growing    in the Amazon Basin and to a lesser extent from other natural sources of natural    rubber (such as Ficus elastica) growing in the Congo Basin of Africa. HEVEA    was taken from the Amazon to South Asia (Sri Lanka) and South East Asia (Thailand,Singapore    and Malaysia) by the British Colonial Office where it was grown experimentally    and later on plantations. Subsequently, cultivation spread to what was then    Indochina (Vietnam and Cambodia), the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) and Thailand,    and subsequently to Africa (Liberia, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire). Initially cultivation    took place on plantations, but smallholders rapidly adopted it as a source of  income.
HEVEA trees on rubber plantations are 20-30 meters high, with graceful      upwards-extending branches and a relatively slim trunk. Such trees flower once a year, and after insect cross-pollination produce large fruits containing  several thimble-sized seeds with hard outer coats. If satisfactorily germinated and planted within 2-3 weeks, seeds grow to produce seedling plants. Depending  on conditions, the latter then take 5-10 years to reach 'maturity', which is defined as the stage when tapping can be started. In practice, this is the time when the trunk has about 500 mm circumference at 1 meters above ground  level.
HEVEA trees convert inorganic nutrients from the soil, and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, into organic carbohydrates which are then turned into rubber latex. The latter passes up the tree through millions of capillary  vessels or tubes located in the soft outer bark.
   At least once a year the leaves of the tree, which are the sites of carbohydrate    formation, die and fall off in wintering, and new leaves are formed. During    wintering, which lasts for sixteen weeks, the metabolism of the tree and the    constitution of its are substantially affected. The yield is also reduced, and    this, together with other climatic factors, accounts for marked seasonal variations    in NR production in producing countries.

And we collect that leaves then use it as a material of art
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