Cabo Pics!

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Day 1: What does the Pacific have in store for the fearless crew of the Bravo?

Dave attempting to beat Steve's 7.53 kt record. No -- sailors aren't competitive!

Your view while napping on the bow of the Bravo!

Day 3: Bob & Dave Prep for Turtle Bay... you gave Alfredo two beers?! What?! Why?!

"Yep, pull in that green thingy while I keep this red stuff steady." - not his exact words; translation by Mark

On deece Boot, you disobey zee captain... zen zee muss svim wit zee Fisch!

"Ya know Mark, today was better than yesterday, and yesterday was better than the day before, and..."

"This is sooo good. Here try THIS piece. It'll melt in your mouth! Mmmmmmmmm...."

"Ya know Carrie, today was better than yesterday, and yesterday was better than the day before, and..."

Its good to be the chef!

And that completes the Half Cabo party. To see the rest of the trip, click below.
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