Rufus: Here Kitty kitty kitty


Tseng: What are you doing


Rufus: Looking for my cat


Tseng: Scarlet's in the office


Rufus: Very funny.....Oh there is my kitty puddles


Cat: Um...meow


Rufus: I can't reach it, Tseng your a turk right


Tseng: Yup


Rufus: Can you get the cat down


Tseng: Yup


(Tseng shoots the cat and it hits the ground with a loud thump)


Rufus: There is my kitty (Pats the dead cat)


Tseng: Why did you want the cat for sir?


Rufus: He eat some of my invetations


Tseng: Well it's better than what you wanted the cat for last time (Shudders at thought)


Elena: (Walking in) What did he wan't the cat for last time?


Tseng: For sex


Rufus: HEY, I love my kitty


Tseng: No one can love an animal THAT much


Rufus: Hey, we have a special conection


Tseng: Yes a special conection (Mumbles) Up the ass


Elena: (Snickers)


Rufus: Well...time to start a party, I'll invite Cloud and the gang


Elena: Why


Rufus: Dunno




Yuffie: Sephiroth, Truth or Dare?


Sephiroth: Oreos




Sephiroth: I mean Dare


Yuffie: Do you like Tifa


Barret: Oooooh


Cloud: (Thinking) I know Sephy-Poo loves ME




Cloud: WHAT!?


Tifa: Cool


Sephiroth: Let's run away together


Tifa: Sure


(Brick smashes through the window and hits Cloud in the face)


Cloud: OW a brick hit my face


Cid: What does it say?


Aeris: You are invited to the first ever Shinra ball


Cloud: Heh heh ball


(Everyone sighs)


Laguna: Let's go


Squall: Let's


Rinoa: Did you say something




Rinoa: Bugger


Irvine: I think it would be great


Sephiroth: You just want to %$#@ Scarlet


Selphie: WHAT!? (Looks at Irvine shocked) You didn't


Irvine: Prove it


Sephiroth: (Holds up pictures)


Selphie: (Looks at pictures)....Hey how come you never got in those positions with me


Irvine: Um...uh (Sweats)....BYE!!!


(Runs into room)


Red XIII: Hey I'm getting changed in here


Irvine: You don't have clothes


Red XIII: You ruined the scene!!


Sephiroth: Shut up


Vincent: Well let's go


Cloud: Heh Heh Go


Tifa: Confused) Huh?


Cloud: Heh Heh Huh


Mog: Shaddup kupo


Choco: Kweh?


Mog: I'm a black belt in karate (Puts on robe and black belt)


Barret: Karate?


Mog: I lied, I'm black belt in Kupjitsu


Choco: Well I mastered my ultimate Limit brake, Chocobuckled


(Choco runs at mog and chocobuckled the daylights outta him)


Mog: Look night time


Rufus Summer House


Rufus: Welcome to my ball


Barret: Sweet foo'


Selphie: (Elbows Irvine) There Scarlet


Irvine: Is to...see yah


Seplphie: %$#@


Rufus: Plumpiol


Jenova: Hi


Elena: (Drunk)...Hello...Jenomi


Jenova: Uh it's Jenova


Elena: And I wanna pony anna *hick* rocket ship


Zidane: Hi


Dagger: Hi


Rufus: Hi..Dagger come in...Zidane piss off


Zidane: Aw (Runs out into the street and gets hit by a fancy car)


Everyone: Look it's Reno


Reno: niger


Barret: Where the $#@% have you been foo' (Gives Reno a high five)


Cloud: (Whispering) Sephiroth


Sephiroth: JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA...what?


Cloud: Follow me


Sephiroth: Uh...ok


Rufus: Dagger


Dagger: Yes?


Rufus: Would you come into my room so I can show you my 'collection'


(They both go into the room, a few moments later a loud shreek is heard)


Dagger: AHHHH


Rufus: Shut up and touch it


Dagger:'s so soft


(A few moments later they both come out)


Rufus: How did you like a bunch of quilts


Dagger: They were cool


Irvine: You showed her Quilts (Shakes head)


Rufus: It's what we did under the quilts that matters


Irvine: Oooooh your nasty




Sephiroth: So let me get this stright, we install a video camera in all the girls toilets so we...


Cloud: Right..we watch know


Sephiroth: This sounds like something Rufus would come up with


Rufus: I did


Cloud: Shhh, someones coming


(Tifa walks into room)


Rufus: Sweet


Tifa: Hmmmmmmmm (Does her buisness)


Cloud: This is the best day of my life (Perving on Sephy)


Lounge room


Aeris: Well I gotta get to the toilet


Scarlet: I gotta go first




Sephiroth: Heh heh this is sweet




Sephiroth: The lens is smashed (Laughs)


Scarlet: that you


Sephiroth: ^&^$#


Scarlet: ^ ^



Lounge room


Squall: So Rinoa


Rinoa: Yeah




Rinoa: That does it (Kills Squall)




Choco: Mummy, your back


Chocobo: Yeah


Choco: Where were we, ah yes Mummy why did you shoot me, Mummy I have a fear for the stapler


(High pitched scream is heard from the toilet the Sephy runs out, with lipstick all over his face)


Irvine: What's wrong


Sephiroth: (Find out he has scarlets bra in his hair) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Outside House


(A police car pulls outside the house and a whole bnch of Moggles hop out [It's the Mog Police Force])


Moggle 1: (Whispering) Come out with your hands up


Moogle 2: Well there not listening pull out the rocket launcher


Moogle 4: With pleasure


(Blows up house)


Cloud: Ahhhhh


Rufus: Well my house got %$#@ed up agian, just like every other time











# = Audience




Cloud: Hi yah all


# Ha ha ha ha ha


Barret: Where is all that laughter coming from


# Ha ha ha ha ha ha


Rufus: HI!!


# Cough Cough


Squall: Rinoa


Rinoa: What




Aeris: Tifa your a two cent whore


# Oooooooh


Sephiroth: SHUT UP


# Ha ha ha ha


Sephiroth: (Slices up everyone)


#........(They are now dead)


Cloud: Sweet


(warp gate opens below them)


Cid: Time to %$#@ing land


On the ground


Voice: HA


Laguna: Who are yo


Barret: Damn foo' Jenova


Voice: Me not Jenova me


(Dramatic Musis Pops up)




Rufus: (Humming batman theme)


Batman: I will start my own cult...bye (Dispears)


Cloud: Lassie go find him


Lassie: Uh dude, I'm not in the story (Vanishs)


Rufus: Mmmm Batman is cute


Laguna: Let's find that moron Batman


Quistis: Yes, for the better


Cloud: Yes and for little Jimmy


Zell: Jimmy?


Jimmy: Yes me (Jimmy leaves just as oddly as he appeard)


Laguna: ????


Timber Maniacs


Laguna: Do you know a man by the name of Batman


Man: Yes in my day..


5 hours later


Man: Yeah so...he is in the south Midgar ocean


South Midgar Ocean


(A giant boat made outta bats wings in floating in the middle of the ocean)


Cloud: COFFEE!!


Red XIII: Hi


Rufus: Red XIII, your cute


Cid: (Drinking Coffee really fast)


Red XIII: Cid, you can go hyper over that


Cid: Shut up stupid ^$&#^%&#^%&#%^ Loin thingy (Spills coffee) Ahhhh, its too hot..I'll sue (Finds writing of coffee saying HOT HOT)

Ahhhh &$#*


Batmoboat (Yes Smashing name isn't it) Control Room


Cloud: BATMAN!!!


Lassie: Yes


Sephiroth: Piss off


Cloud: Batman


Batman: Yes


Cloud: ^%$$#


Tifa: We will fart on you


Rufus: So Batty-Muffins, After the thing you wanna hit it off?


Batman: Sure, but first I must launch my First Movie then Comics then action figures then cartoon then I'll take over the world Hee Hee Hee


Sephiroth: (Looks evily at Batman) Listen her $#@!man I'm the evil one, you aint worth sh*t you whorish piece of rabbit come$#@$

your ment to be the hero not the evil guy so %$#@ OFF YOU #%&*#%&% FACE $(*$()*$)(*$ &%&%&^%* *$(%*&9057

and*$)*395 89898(*%(#*%(#%*)_#%*#%*_)


#: (Back alive) Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha


Batman: Aw! (Blows up)


Rufus: Well my house didn't get blown up!!


Mog: Well um...the wood to make the ship was you summer house!!!!!


Rufus: (Really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY PISSED %$#@ING OFF) MUST KILL MOG


Mog: Um...Kupo