My Adoptions!!!

~ Ain't they adorable?? ^_^ ~


Hey there, I was really bored one day so I decided to search the web for adorable little adoptions for meself!! ^_~ And aren't they CUTE??! lol, and my weirdo bg....ewww, i really WAS bored, wasn't I?? ON TO THE CUTENESS!!!

lolol but of COURSE!! I adopted Vincent!! Actually, I stumbled upon this pic TOTALLY by accident (I swear!! @_@;), and although I wasn't really sure if I wanted it I couldn't stop laughing so I figured hey, why not??! Get your own adoptive Vinnie (or other guy, I guess...) right here!!

Awww, P-chan is so CUTE!! Heehee!! Go get your own, they're all adorable,right here!!

Yayyyyy, I finally found a Ryo-ohki!! It's so CUTE!! heehee!! Adopt your own right here!!, I'm not obsessed...I just found another pic of Vincent on another site, that's all...!! *Ahem* ^^; C'mon, there's plenty of these guys for you to adopt!! Go ahead, go get one!! They're all right here!!!




No, i refuse to admit that I have a problem!!! LoL!! Ok, yes, i will admit that i'm obsessed, but thats something 100% totally different!!! i just went back to the same site like 5 yrs later and got another adoption, thats all!! Hehe, this pic is so cool...^-^-^-^ Cmon, go here and get ur own, i mean adoption!! *^-^*



ummmm, yea. x_x;; my latest CLAMP obsession, for those that do not know, has become magic kinght rayearth, and i have to admit, i luv dis lil guy!! he's so cute!! ^_____^ to get ur own check out here!!


errr, see message above. Xp i have to say, this guys grown on me too, except his hick southern accent got kinda annoying after a little while, and fuu strikes me as reasonablely cheesy, but hey, wut can ya do?? if y'all want one (ackkkkk!!! o_O;;;;;;), check out here!


whoo hoo, it was only a matter of time til i broke down an grabbed a cloud adoption, LoL!! this poor guy gets so much slack from alot of ppl, and quite frankly i like him!! so leave him alone!! LoL!! u know u want 'im, so go get 'im here!

umm, yea....i'm actually not 100% positive where this guy is from, but...hey he kicks ass in Marvel vs. Capcom!! LoL!! if anyone knows where this guy originates from email me, otherwise don't give a crap and pick one up anyway here!

Omg, can you tell I was bored?? LoL!! How many more of these stupid adoptions can I get?? LoL!! Well, if you want one, visit me good friend Omnislasher9's adoption center here!


Heeeeey, check it out!! It's official!! ^_~

That's all for right now!! Believe me, I'll get more soon!! ^_~


....And onto page 2!! LoL!!

Or Continue on to My Adoption Center ...^-^

....Or Continue even further to my Chibi Adoptions!! ^-^


Wheeeeeee!!!! ^___^ Click on cutie chef Carbunkle to go back!! ^^