Street Mage

Unlike the wealthy, financially secure wizards of the cities, the street mage is not fully dedicated to the Art. For the average street mage, magic is not an explaination or life, or a way of life, but a tool used to make life easy. The majority of street mages are a combination of performer and thief. Their magic is used to astound the audience, or baffel guards while they pilfer loot from the unwary.
In general, street mages are looked down on by all members of society. Although they may be entertaining, they are a danger to everyone.
Special Skills:
  1. Imprompt Spell Knowledge - Training in the mystic arts was never fully completed. Many street mages were friends of the wealthy who lost their financial backing, and thus were forced to leave the mystic schools. Because of this, the Street Mage's spells either take twice as long to case, or are only half as potent. This does not affect spells of first or second level.
    The Street Mage's Principles of Magic skill is only 50% + 4%/lvl. and suffers an additional -5% when casting in combat.
  2. Spell Knowledge - Automatically Knows : Cloud of Smoke, Blinding Flash, Tongues, and Sence Magic. May select 2d4 spells total from levels 1 though 4. Additional spells may be learned as a normal wizard/sorcerer.
  3. PPE Base: 1d4x10+10, + P.E., +3d4/lvl.
  4. Slight of Hand and Stage Works - An understanding of the uses of flach power, and how to operate and determine the placement of sage props for special effects. In order to construct basic FX props an able tinkerer is needed, but the Street Mage is familiar enough with the contraptions that with his aid the Tinkerer is +5% to +10% to construct the device. Also with this skill the Street Mage can perform basic acts of "conjuration" and prestidigitation with a successful Concealment roll.

OCC Bonuses: +1 to P.P., +2 to P.E., +1 save vs. magic.
Alignments: Any, most are selfish
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 12, M.A.: 10, P.E.: 10
OCC Skills
Read Magic
Language: one of choice (+10)
Lore: Magic (+10)
Lore: One of choice (+5)
Concealment (+20)
Pick Locks or Pockets (+15)
Public Speaking/Acting (+5)
WP: two of choice
HTH: Basic (upgradable to expert for 2)

OCC Related skills: Select 5, and another 1 every 3 levels.
Communications: Any (+10 to languages)
Domestic: Any
Espionage: any, except intelligence and interrogation (+5)
Horsemanship: general and exotic only
Medical: Holistic medicine only (+5)
Military: recognize weapon quality only (+10).
Mechanical: locksmith only.
Physical: any, except boxing and wrestling.
Piloting: sailing only.
Pilot Related: navigations only (+10)
Rogue: any (+10)
Science: any (+5 to literacy and lore)
Technical: any (+5)
Weapon proficiencies: any, except Rifle.
Wilderness: any 

Secondary Skills: Select 4 and another 1 every 4 levels.
Starting Equipment: 2 to 3 sets of clothing, 1 weapon of choice, traveling bag, 2D4 component pouches with enought components to cast 3D4 spells, small mirror, 2 medium sacks, blanket sleeping roll, canteen, possibly a set of lock picks, small wooden cross. Players have a 1 in 10 chance of having a horse (if they have one there's a 4 in 10 chance of it being stolen).