






Hermeticism and Hermetic Qabalistic Magick and Mysticism within the Western Mystery Traditions

A Comprehensive, Spiritual Collection and Compilation of Sacred Hermetic Texts and Philosophies. The Ancient Wisdom of Hermetic Esoteric Philosophy and Occult Writings originally attributed to Hermes Mercurius Trismegistos.

Mythological, Hermes Trismegistos was  known to the ancient Hebrews as Enoch, to the ancient Egyptians as Thoth, to the ancient Greeks as Hermes and to the ancient Romans as Mercury and was known in medieval times as the Father of Alchemy.

Amongst the most famous ancient texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistos are "The Emerald Tablet", "The Corpus Hermeticum", "The Virgin Of The World", and "The Kyballion" with its "Seven Hermetic Principles and Universal Laws" which derived directly from his ancient teachings and wisdom.

Hermes Trismegistos wisdom has been contemplated, meditated, developed and taught throughout the ages by Teachers, Philosophers, Writers, Alchemists, Priests, Magicians and Masters such as Melchizedek, Pythagoras, Socrates, Heraclitus, Iamblichus, Plato, Plotinus, Jesus, Apollonius Of Tyana, Buddha, Krishna, Mohamed, Rumi, King Solomon, Francis Bacon, Paracelcus, Robert Fludd, Cornelius Agrippa, Dr. John Dee, Eliphas Levi, Helena Blavatsky, Israel Regardie, Paul Foster Case, Max Heindel, Rudolf Steiner, The Three Initiates, Carl Jung, S. MacGregor Mathers, Arthur E. Waite,  Wm William Westcott, Aleister Crowley, Franz Bardon, and many others.

Traditions, Practices, Orders and Organizations directly based and derived upon the Hermetic Teachings and Wisdom include the Gnostics and Gnosticism, The Freemasons and Masonic Temples, The Western Mystery and Esoteric Traditions, Theosophy and The Theosophical Society, The Rosicrucian Fellowship, The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn, The Lightworkers and Orders Of Melchizedek, B.O.T.A, Theurgy, Enochian, The Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and The Hermetic Qabbalah or Kabalah.

As the Hebrew and Hermetic Kabbalah the Hermetic Teachings, Philosophy, Wisdom and Spirituality, are not a Religion in itself but are universally independent from any organized Religion. The Hermetic Teachings and Universal Laws are considered by many the make up and interrelation of Cosmic Structure, Purpose and Life including the Principles of Karma and Reincarnation.

The Spirituality of Hermeticism find its application in all major world philosophies and religions such as Esotericism, Platonism, Neo-Platonism, Christianity, Catholicism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddism, ZEN,  Islam, Judaism, Sufism, Yoga, Hinduism, Wicca, Magick, Paganism, and Witchcraft.

Ample evidence of Hermetic application can be found in ancient scriptures like "The Old Testament", "The New Testament", "The Bible", "The Pseudepigrapha", "The Book Of Enoch", "The Dead Sea Scrolls", "The Book Of Mormon", "The Koran or Quran", "The Zohar", "The Bahir", "The Talmud", "The Sepher Yetzira", "Tao Te Ching", "The Tibetian Book Of Dead", "The Egyptian Book Of Dead", "Bhagavad Gita", "Rig Veda" and in various Magickal Books Of Shadows and Grimours of the Wiccan, Alexandrian, Gardnerian, Celtic, Norse, and Germanic Traditions.

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