General Information

Garlic - Fresh Or Pills?
There is some debate over whether garlic capsules are as effective as fresh, raw garlic for its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal effects. In general, take one capsule a day that provides 4,000 micrograms ofallicin a day, or eat one large clove (remember, one bulb of garlic is a rosette of many cloves) daily of uncooked, chopped garlic sprinkled on other food, or juiced with other vegetables.

Healthy Barbeque Marinade
Researchers have linked the blackened charred parts of barbequed meats as having carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects. The following marinade recipe is tasty, and includes ingredients that make barbequed meat safer to enjoy. Use this recipe for outdoor grilling and also for indoor smokeless grilling. In a glass bowl, mix 6 tablespoons olive oil, 4 tablespoons cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, one-half cup brown sugar, 3 tablespoons grainy mustard, 4 crushed garlic cloves and one teaspoon salt (if desired). Place the meat in a large re-sealable plastic bag, cover with the marinade, and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.

Disinfecting Spray
Many people are careful to use disinfecting sprays on doorknobs, telephones and other areas if someone in the household is ill. These chemical sprays will kill germs, but at a price to those who come in contact with the chemical fumes. For a natural, effective alternative, blend 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, one-half teaspoon juniper essential oil and one-half tablespoon bergamot essential oil. Add this blend to pure water in a pump spray bottle. You can also add this blend to your laundry when washing your ill loved one’s towels, clothes and bedding until they are fully recovered.

Herbal Astringent
Natural health care products make a wonderful holiday present, especially when you’ve made them yourself! Pour witch hazel in a pretty stoppered glass bottle and add a few drops of soothing rosemary essential oil. If you have a sprig of fresh rosemary herb, add it to the bottle for visual appeal.

Aromatherapy For A Festive Mood
Aromatherapy oils can uplift and refresh. At this time of year, they can set the scene for holiday festivities. Use essential oils of pine, juniper or cedar. Add a few drops to plain water in a spray bottle for a natural air freshener. Apply a few drops to the logs on the fire before lighting.

Lip Balm
For a natural lip balm, you’ll need a double boiler. Place one ounce of a light, natural oil in the double boiler along with one tablespoon of grated beeswax and melt over a low heat. Add the essential oil of your choice (peppermint, fennel or lemongrass are tasty choices) and stir well with a wooden spoon. Pour into small jars to cool. Once cooled, tighten the lid and decorate with stickers or a hand-lettered label. Happy gift giving!