30 October 2003

America is losing the war on illegal immigrants destroying America’s culture and freedoms.

While President George Bush is fighting the war against terror throughout the world, he is ignoring the more than 6 to 8 million illegal immigrants who have invaded America, many of them committed to wiping out our nation’s socioeconomic system. (So, what you appear to be putting forth is that 8 million people have come to this country with the sole purpose of destroying the economy here, therefore destroying any chance that they will be able to provide any kind of decent life for the children that they brought with them?

Are you of the misguided idea that ONLY Americans care about or for their offspring? One can only hope that on those infrequent occasions that you travel outside of the U.S. that you share your point of view with those "foreigners" kind enough to put up with your sorry ass! You must really miss the Cold War, huh?

The terrorists who successfully attacked America's economic and military institutions on September 11, 2001, killing 3,000 innocent people, were illegal immigrants who got into our country and disappeared into a liberal society that has given up the war to protect our borders. (Actually Gordon, most if not all of the 19 were on an FBI watch list presided over by Ashcroft’s Justice Department! As a matter of fact, on September 2nd and 34rd the Feds and the Michigan State Police were instead busying themselves with harrassing and snooping into the personal drug habits of millions of U.S. Citizens. The Michigan State Police were planning an attack on Rainbow Farm, in Vandalia, MI, a campground at the center of the marijuana legalization movemement, which set a course of events into motion which led to the deaths of two activists. The state of Michigan spent two years investigating what a bunch of long-hairs were doing IN THE OPEN [see Playboy magazine - Oct. 2003, or do a Google search for Tom Crosslin, and Roland Rohm]. Meanwhile, Saudi terrorists trained by the CIA, were planning the attacks which have given the "Bush Doctrine" so much ground!)

Bush wants “freedom and liberty” for the people of Iraq, Israel and other Mideast nations, but he is doing nothing about “freedom and liberty” in America, once the world’s most admired free and independent nation.
What happened? (I’d be very, very interested to hear your thoughts about the so called “Patriot” Act. It's plain to anybody that you are an isolationist when it comes to rest of the world, but if you think that Bush and the Neocons have "freedom and liberty" in mind for ANYBODY, you are sadly mistaken!)

Like his socialist predecessors – Clinton, et al – Bush believes in moving America into a one-world economic system, or a global economy. A global economy doesn’t recognize borders or a nation’s Constitution (if they have one). Most nations are dictatorships or socialist/Marxist governments. (I must admit that it is a breath of fresh air to hear the likes of phony conservatives like yourself criticizing George W. Bush, and more than a little bit surprising. Are you aware that this criticism puts you in the same camp as the infamous Pastor Fred Phelps? )

America, since its founding after the 1776 Revolutionary War, was a Constitutional Republic governed by the “rule of law.”

That’s history. America is no longer a free and independent Constitutional Republic. It has become the leader of a socialist global economy.

By going along with the liberals and socialists who have created a corrupt global economy, America has sealed its fate. We are doomed to go the way of France, Germany, Russia and other socialist nations that look to the United Nations as the world’s leader, not the United States. (As I recall, it was Bush Daddy who borrowed the phrase "New Word Order" from Uncle Adolph, so if anybody has taken us down that road, it is your Neocon buddies!)

Why has Bush chosen to take America down the road to socialism and self-destruction as the last “free and independent” nation in the world with a Constitution that guarantees our independence and freedom?

Because it’s the popular and easy thing to do in these swiftly changing times, where the Peaceniks and their beloved United Nations (UN) are setting foreign policy for the world, including the United States. America, under UN control, is no longer a sovereign state. (America UNDER U.N. CONTROL? Now yer gonna make me laugh myself into a friggin' siezure aren't ya? So if the U.N. refuses to go along with an act of Neocon genocide, they are trying to control the only remaining superpower in the world? Gimme a break! I'm happy that the U.N. is finally showing a little backbone.)

If Bush truly believed in freedom and independence, he would kick the United Nations out of the United States and put that Marxist institution in Russia, Cuba or the communist Peoples Republic of China. That’s where this dysfunctional, anti-American United Nations belongs. (But then, where would Bush and Blair go to beg for resources to carry out their plans to dominate the world, eh Gordon?)

Like a cancer, the United Nations is liberalizing and socializing the world, with or without the United States.

Illegal immigrants now living, working and undermining America’s culture don’t have to worry about Bush or any President any more. They’re here to stay, like it or not. (If you want to stop immigrants from undermining your culture, looks like you and your white bread conservative buddies better get your asses out into the fields to pick produce, or get your apron on and wash them restaurant dishes, or any of a myriad of menial tasks that you wouldn't be caught dead doing, or else just keep quiet and let the people willing to do those jobs continue doing them. The only people in this country who are "undermining America's culture" are those bastards you helped get into office.)

Any illegal immigrant can enter America, go to the nearest big city and buy a pack of credentials that instantly make them a “legal American.” ( I was born in this country, and I am an Army veteran, but since I am an Atheist, George Herbert Walker Bush doesn't think I deserve "my credentials" During the election campaign in 1988, he said that he "doesn't think that Atheists should even be allowed to be Citizens". Apparently, the Bushes only want to extend citizenship to people who believe the same fairy tales that they do. )

So much for our immigration laws. They’re so much worthless bureaucratic paperwork. For $100 or less, an illegal immigrant can buy a bogus birth certificate, a driver’s license and a Social Security number, all of which guarantees these parasitic invaders all of the rights and privileges of a legal citizen of America. And thanks to the Democrat party’s “MotorVoter” law, any illegal immigrant with an illegal driver’s license can vote. (And what rights and priviledges would those be? Maybe the right to die? Nope, even suicide is against the law in most states. Certainly you can't mean that I have the right to choose my own medicine for treatment of my own pain. Nope, not as long as our tax dollars are coursing through the budget of the overfunded DEA? Then you must be talking about our right to work ourselves to death, and pay for the many tax cuts that Bush and Co. have so liberally given to their wealthy friends and contributors! )

That’s how Al Gore was able to get a half-million more votes than Bush in the 2,000 Presidential election, especially in California. The illegal, with their illegal driver’s license, cast their votes for their socialist Democrat candidate, Al Gore. ( So, finally a Fundycon is admitting that Al Gore WON the 2000 election? And what the hell happened in the RNC funded "recall" election in California? Didn't any of your hated "illegals" vote in that one Gordon?)

Every state in America should check the ballots and find out how many illegals actually voted for Gore in the last Presidential election. (So, what have we here, a Republican that actually wants the votes counted? I guess as long as they aren't doing any counting in Florida, huh?)

Meanwhile, George W. Bush may also be influenced by his family’s ties to Mexico. Bush’s brother Jeb, the Governor of Florida, is married to a Mexican woman. They have several children. President Bush needs the Mexican votes if he is going to run for reelection next year. The greatest number of illegal immigrants are Mexicans.

We live in a wild and deceptive world where lies and cheating have become the standard for survival everywhere, especially America. (I’m glad you mentioned LIES. Of late we have heard tales of aluminum tubes for spinning down uranium, fables of Iraq’s attempts at purchasing “yellow cake” uranium from Niger, fictional relationships between Al Quaida and Saddam Hussein, thousands of tons of chemical and biological agents, weapons of mass destruction, and that the Bush Administration had nothing whatsoever to do with the banner flying behind the “pretender” in chief after his phony landing on the USS Abe Lincoln, which proclaimed “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”. So Gordon, which lies did you want to talk about)

Until we reclaim our Constitution and the “rule of law,” America will implode like other empires, such as the Greeks and Romans, that ignored rampant corruption in their ruthlessly expanding governments.

Hey, that’s history – and the United States hasn’t learned anything from the anti-freedom failures of the past.

(Gordon Bishop, a national award-winning author, historian and syndicated columnist, is New Jersey’s first Journalist-of-the-Year” – 1986/New Jersey Press Association.)