Known throughout the Ages,
He inspired brilliant philosophers and sages;
Known as a genius by the Ancients and modern man,
His infallible reputation, no one could reprehend;
An extraordinary man was he,
A regular Einstein...times three!
Who was this man, with origins divine,
Whose name has been lost in the Sands of Time?

Let us travel to Kemet, during the Third Dynasty,
to the beginnings of a man who has grown so legendary.
He was born in the great city of Heliopolis,
Ra's crown jewel, and sprawling metropolis.
He was of humble birth, not from a noble family,
which makes him the more like you and me.
His life there is obscure, his first years a mystery,
but he began to rise in power, as did his influence on the
pages of history.
He became the High Priest of the Heliopolitan sect, a Healer,
a States-Man, and reputable architect.
It was obvious he was a man of superior intellect.

A thousand years before the father of modern medicine,
Hippocrates, he came,
Yet his methods and cures were as sophisticated, and all the same.
But, perhaps this was not his greatest achievement,
but what lies in Saqqara...
An eternal monument of great sentiment.
King Djoser would rest in the Pyramid forever,
While the genius would be praised for his brilliant endeavor.

Later in his life, he was diefied,
This sort of recognition, though, he never fantasized.
His cult grew like the reeds of the Nile,
He was of godly descent, there was no denial.
Yet, as the Roman Empire grew, and Christianity spread,
the cults of the old gods soon grew dead.
The priests were slaughtered, the temples deficated,
All attempts at revival were belated.

Who is this "mortal" who exhibited god-like traits,
Whose cult eventually suffered a terrible fate?
Who is this forgotten native of Heliopolis;
The one they call the Egyptian Asclepius?
He was the First Father of Modern Medicine,
He was the first to record his wisdom and lessons.
He was the first architect, a states-man a High Priest,
An Ancient, a diety...

Just who is this genius man you cannot guess?
Why, My Friend, it is the Immortal One...

For you see, My Friend, the Old Gods are not dead,
they merely lay dormant, but a New Age has dawned,
and end to their torment.
So, let us sing his praises and relent,
For this "mortal man", a true Gods-Sent.