Identify Scheduled Tasks and delete selected


Thanks to author :  George M. Menegakis

How to do :


Go to Business Logic/Scheduled tasks to list the scheduled tasks. Make sure that in the view that "Date", "Description" and "Instance" are present. Then select File/Export and export them to excel.

Open the excel file and instert a new column and name it "Searchcode". This will contain a formula that returns the first 30 characters of the "Instance". The excel function is LEFT( $CELL_REF;30 ) where $CELL_REF is the cell that contains an "Instance". (E,G LEFT(F2;30). Fill this columnt with this formula. Save the excel file.

Now execute the following query:

select JAV_OID, JAV_ENTITY, LEFT(JAV_INSTANCE,30) as SEARCHCODE from rep_javaobjects
where jav_entity = (
select ent_oid
from ifc_entities
where ent_name = 'Scheduled Tasks' )

Export the results to another xls file.

Now open your access and import these two XLS files. Use the column searchcode as Unique Key. Create a query in the access that will display Date, Description and JAV_OID. From there you can now see what JAV_OID is correspond to what date/description.


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