Help from Friend |ПОМОЩЬ ОТ ДРУГА|

What a Friend we have in Jesus! He who is my Lord is motivating me to share with everybody things that I, my wife or my friends have come across and have been helped with. The information is so important, that I can not be passive. I am not looking for rewards. If you are able to get help in the same way after getting the information from this Web site, just give the glory to Jesus. Here are some secrets to be discovered for you:

This web site will be updated frequently as new information is discovered.
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Предлагаю: Пастор Алексей Коломийцев доступно рассказывает - как во Христе
каждый имеет примирение с Богом , и здесь можно -
прослушать - что это такое-Великое Примирение. Христос есть единственный фундамент всех верующих в Него
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