Welcome to

Helper Monkey Radio

Remember HMR uses shoutcast which is brought to you by nullsoft the same people who make WinAmp, the best mp3 player ever in my opinion. Any mp3 player can be used form iTunes to Microsoft media player. I recommend at least a 56K connection to listen. I may one day do dual broadcasting one at a higher quality for the fast connections and a lower quality for users below 56K.

If you want to add you band to HMR please check out the contact info link for more details!

Right now I would love to get the page out of the geocities server but it costs money to do that. I am not asking for donations but I do ask that you visit the official HMR Cafe Press store. Help support HMR and and I will be able to move from Geocities's server to another one with no pop ups and such.

REMEMBER TO PLEASE tell your friends about HMR! the more listeners we have the better!

the navigation is pretty easy and self explanatory, The news section is where I will archive the updates to HMR, the Reviews section has reviews of bands on the station and if I get to any shows reviews of those. If I attend any shows and god forbid I take pics those will also be in the review section. Remember to SIGN the GUEST BOOK, visit the FORUMS and talk with other people and maybe even bands from the site. AND PLEASE visit the store and buy something to help me move this page from geocities' server.

If your band would like more exposure than just being played, contact me and ask to do a radio blurb. So far we have Baliey Downs I would like to get a few more.



No featured artist.

In fact no station for a while untill I get my computer fixed so I can broadcast again.

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