Donating Money

Money can be transfered to the Pogorzel Elementary School's account directly in Poland. If you wish to send a financial donation directly to the school, the account number is:

# PKO BP Goldap dla SP Pogorzel
Elementary School in Pogorzel, Poland.

Or you can make a tax-deductible donation to the Foundation and 100% of your donation will go to help the children and families in Pogorzel. The Foundation's bank account is:

"Help Children in Pogorzel, Poland" Inc.
First County Bank
Stamford, CT 06904

ALL of the money recieved goes to help the children and families in Pogorzel. Neither the founders nor the people working with the Foundation recieve a salary - all of the work is done by volunteers. As a matter of fact, almost everyone involved puts their own money into helping the families. Elizabeth and Christopher, the founders, sponsor 3 families as well as paying much of the shipping costs and meeting other special needs that arise.

Since the banking fee is the same whether we are sending $25 or $1,000, it is more cost effective to send everyone's money together. The Foundation volunteer in Warsaw can then distributed the money. The money you send WILL go directly to the family you sponsor. We generally send money 4 times a year, timed to help out during critical seasons: Easter, beginning of summer, beginning of school and Christmas. If there is enough money coming in to make it cost effective, we can also send money at other times. If you have any questions, contact the founders, Elizabeth Zaremba-Swat and Christopher Swat, at or (203) 353-1963.