Grazul Family

The Grazul family has 10 children, 5 boys and 5 girls. Some of the children have learning difficulties and/or developmental delays and most of the family suffers from malnourishment. Despite incrediblly difficult living conditions, Barbara (the mother) provides a warm, caring and loving environment for her children. She is the primary caregiver and supporter of the family.

  • Anita, age 6
  • Ala, age 9
  • Piotr, age 13
  • Marlena, age 14 - very good student, wants to become a medical doctor in spite of the fact that she is just under 4 feet tall
  • Ula, age 16 - developmentally delayed
  • Marcin, age 20 - just graduated from 2 year program, starting advanced program soon
  • Jola, age 24 - developmentally delayed


They are sponsored by Elzbieta Kowalczyk and her daughter, Julia, of Warsaw, Poland. Elzbieta is a single mom. She is a registered nurse, working as a manager in a large Italian medical company. Julia is a law student at a university in Warsaw. They have a cat named Gunia.

Elzbieta and Julia have supplied the Grazul family with clothing, toys, sports equipment, household goods, and money. They also help to support the school by sending clothing and toys, as well as selling the cards the children made for Christmas.

Julia and Elzbieta