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WarHammer The Incredible fantasy wargame where players design and command armies of orcs, humans,
elves, dwarfs and other creaters to fight epic battles.
More Ways To the world of warhammer.
Games workshop's monthly hobby magazine
:WHITE DWARF carries many  information

about warhammer, mordheim, warmaster and all of our  other incredible games.Every Essue includes new rules, photos of beautifully painted models, battle reports, stories and much more.
Games workshop also produce a fanzine called the CITADEL JOURNAL, witch appears bemonthly.
the"Jounal"Contains warhammer scenarios, unofficial rules, and player submissions.Other Magazines include:BLOOD BOWL and WARMASTER magazines, and TOWN CRYER with covers mordheim.
Play Warhammer
There are many ways to enter the world of warhammer, most people
first experience is through
playing the warhammer tabletop game.This boxed set is an ideal way to get started.
Click here for see the chapter approved---------------->
Click here
for some cool big pics of some creaters in the warhammer fantasy world.
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