Final Fantasy // Anime

Elina: Um...yes. ..I *am* making an Anime page and a FF page. ..Currently under construction because of this site which is taking me ages to finish. x__x;

I have done loads of FF shrines, plus a few anime shrines. They're all down there...that's if you wanna take a look at them. Well, it is part of this section naw? ..Least there's *sumfin* to do...

§quall~Tasy°~ My personal fav shrine. Yep, you guessed it. It's on Squall. ..My overall point of the game is in there plus why I chose him. I'd be very gratefull if you visit it..*puppy face* pleazy?

^Wonderful Sensations... That's a CloudxZack shrine. I love that couple. I find them so *cute* together (oh yeah! It's a yaoi site o.o;)At first I was going to make a Shrine just on Cloud and one just on Zack. But I thought it'll take up too much time. Since I luv those 2 together and I *was* going to make a yaoi site, I just decided to make a shrine on my fav yaoi couple ^^;;

Vincent Devotion One of my first site ever made on GeoShities. Heh, it's really crappy. I didn't bother re-making a new one 'cause this is still sightable.

Reno Devotion The same type of style as the Vincent one.

Diamond Dust An Edea shrine! YAAAAY! My fav FF8 character...mwhehe! Under Construction

target="_blank>Dramatic Ending's my FF page. Dun even bother clickin' on doesn't work. I'll get it working soon... Under Construction

Freyaaah A Freya shrine! *smiles* My fav FFIX character ^_________^ Under Construction

Kenshin Shrine! Mwehe, dis one is all on the one and only Kenshin ^____^! Under Construction

Beatrix A shrine dedicated to Beatrix. Yeah, most of the best FF girls come from FFIX. Under Construction

Erm..yeah. Those are all my FF&Anime sites. Let me note that I was suppose to do a shrine on Sephiroth but didn't bother because we already have thousands. Who needs more?