Overdrive Wakka


Element Reels;

Description A simple Overdrive Wakka just throws a ball and it doe and normal amount of damage.

Location; Wakka Begins with this

Attack Reels;

Description; It is a great Overdrive because it does about 3090 damage and Wakka at this point only does 2000 damage.

Location; Tournament first prize in Blitzball

Statue Reels;

Great Overdrive it does about 100 more than Attack Reels!!!

Location; Play about 250 Blitzball matches and make sure that you have Attack Reels.

Aurochs Reels;

Description; The best!!!, it does 9999 damage most of the time you have to get it right first though. like three "2 hits" will get you 9999 damage.

Location; Obtain Statue Reels and play 450 Blitzball games.

