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 LameBoy Advance
Last Updated: October 19, 2002 10:31 PM CST
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Empire Earth championships nobody cares about
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GameFAKEs Site News
10/14/02 11:10PM: Oops...
I was bored today, and accidentally deleted all of the boards. Sorry everyone (not). I won't be bringing them back because I don't feel like it. Ha!
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10/6/02 8:56PM: Routers, Mistakes, and E-Mail
Three quick bits of information. First of all, GameFAQs' Internet provider has supposedly swapped out the bad router, which should prevent any further downtime incidents. I hope. Secondly, there was a bug in the "Update Your Contributor Information" page at Contributor Central which corrupted the data, so if you sent in a change to your contributor page through the form in the past couple of days, please don't re-submit it when you get a chance. Sorry about that, my mistake, I didn't double-check the form after I posted it. Finally, all of the old GameFAQs e-mail addresses are now shut down. Any mails sent will be met with an autoresponder, and I won't see the messages any longer. Sucks to be you.
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10/4/02 11:16PM: Quick Downtime
Somewhere, a router cries in pain. When this happens, all access to the site is lost. Yes, even for me. In other news, all of you are banned!!!1 MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!!11
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Poll of the Day
How many people in your home are idiots?
I'm a liar, so nobody
Just me
5 or more
Results Only
Top 10 FAQ Pages (10/18)
1. Disney Game - PS2
2. OMG the sims! - GCN
3. OMG Final Fantasy - PS2
4. A controversial game - PS2
5. Some RPG - PS2
6. Controversy: the action adventure - PC
7. OMG Mario - GCN
8. Controversy: the action adventure - PS2
9. Zelda Clone - GCN
10. An obsolete game - PS2
Top 10 Requests
1. Bad online gaming - PS2
2. BASEBALL!!!!!1 - PC
3. I have no Idea what the hell this is - PSX
4. Obscure POS - PC
5. OMG Turok - XBX
6. Armored Core 3 - PS2
7. Sims 2.0 - GCN
8. Bad RPG - PC
9. OMG Turok - GCN
10. Violence is fun - GCN

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