How to create, host, and display an avatar in a HTML chat room

Step 3: Host your avatar

There are two ways you can host your avatars on the Internet.

The first one is to use your own computer and your own ISP connection. This is however a complex operation which requires some system configuration and technical skills that most people do not possess. It is not a geek thing, but it is complex and probably time consuming to learn and to setup. It also eats on your bandwidth and can slow down your chat experience, especially if you still use a dialup modem.

The second, and simplest way is to use a free hosting service. There are hundreds of free hosting services available on the Internet, ranging from general web sites such as Geocities or Netscape to more specialised picture sites such as PhotoBucket, PictureTrail and ImageCave. However, free hosting services can have a few restrictions:

Geocities also had another limitation until very recently: after uploading an avatar, you would have had to rename your avatar from a ".jpg" or “.jpeg” file to a ".txt" file.

I personally recommend ImageCave which although not the best looking service, is probably one of the simplest to use.

To upload a file, you need to:

  1. register, then log into the hosting site of your choice

  2. eventually locate the "File Manager" (as called in Geocities) or the equivalent function if you have elected to use a hosting service which also provides other services, such as email and news

  3. click on a "Browse" button to select an avatar on your hard disk

  4. click on a "Submit" or "Upload" button to copy an avatar from your disk to the hosting service.

Each hosting service is different. So if you do not see the button/link names mentioned in the points above, think of synonyms!

Introduction , Step 1: Find a picture , Step 2: Create your avatar , Step 3: Host your avatar , Step 4: Display your avatar.