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Welcome to the Temple of the Netjeru
7/10/03 - Welcome to the Temple of the Netjeru. This site was built as a dedication to the Netjeru, whom I love very much. Soon, this site will have pictures, information, and more and possibly a better layout. Thanks for coming by and check back soon. You check out my other site at http://www.oocities.org/whiteblaze39/
7/17/03 - Today I finished my profile, the forum, and links page, and I also added links to my Elfwood online art gallery and my livejournal.
6/22/04 - Whoa, it's been nearly a year since I last updated. I plan to have a domain name for this site soon, as well as many more sections. Today I added a new essay and some minor modifications to the profile.
6/23/04 - Added a few more poems and some links.
6/24/04 - A few more poems and a section dedicated to Lord Anubis, as well as a section to Lady Sekhmet.
6/25/04 - Once again, more poems added to the list.
6/26/04 - Added a quiz result section
9/18/04 - Added a new essay.
9/19/04 - Updated the essay section with a new essay, as well as a couple poems.
9/20/04 - Added a new essay on therianthropy.
9/22/04 - Posted a new section on red foxes

Currently, it's
Choose Your Destination
About Dakota
My Livejournal
Feel like dropping me a line? Feel free to e-mail me with me any concerns, requests, or if you just want to talk
Contact Information
Lord Anubis
Lady Sekhmet
Quiz Results
Red Foxes