By Heidi H
Disclaimers-These are not my characters and I am 
making no money off of them.
Ratings-Sam/Donna, July Challenge For Sam4Donna 
Spoilers-2 Cathedrals
Thanks to all the people who encouraged and 
helped me to write this.
Donna smiled as she laid on the beach.  A 
glorious week of no Josh, no beeper, no cellular phone, 
and no crises.  She savored the vacation because 
it would be the last real free time she would 
have before they all headed into re election mode.  
Donna also knew that she’d probably be subpoenaed 
and questioned by the Grand Jury.  It was a given 
considering she worked for the Deputy Chief of 
Staff and was the first assistant told about the MS 
thing.  She put it out of her mind.  This was her 
first real vacation out of Washington and she was 
damned sure not to think about work things and 
would most likely be her last.
Just as she was settling herself down, a Frisbee 
came falling into her lap.
                        “I’m sorry about that.  I didn’t mean for it to 
hit you.”  a tan Sam Seaborn said to the blond.
                        “It’s okay.”  Donna said as she looked up.
                        “Donna, what are you doing here?”  Sam asked, 
very surprised to see her on *his* beach.
                        “Hi, Sam.  I’m on vacation.”  Donna said.
                        “Me too.  We should get together later.”  Sam 
said, making a mental note to talk to her later if 
she was still on the beach.
                        “Yeah, but you’d better get back to your 
friends.”  Donna said.
                        “Yeah, see ya.”  Sam said and walked away.
Donna was packing up her beach gear when Sam 
jogged over to her.
                        “Hey, leaving already?”  Sam asked.
                        “Yeah, I need to get out of the sun.”  Donna 
said, looking at her now pinking alabaster skin.
                        “What are you doing for dinner tonight?”  Sam 
                        “Room service and a good movie.”  Donna said, 
grimacing at the thought of spending the night 
alone again.
                        “Why don’t we have dinner together tonight?”  
Sam asked.
                        “Don’t you have plans with your friends?”  
Donna asked.
                        “No, not tonight.  Wanna have dinner?”  Sam 
                        “Sure, I’m at the Bellwood Sands Hotel in room 
2120.”  Donna said.
                        “You’ve got to be kidding me.  I’m at Sands in 
room 2125.”  Sam said.
                        “So, I’ll see you at 6 at my door?”  Donna 
                        “Yeah, see ya then.”  Sam said and watched 
Donna trudge back to the hotel.
Donna smiled to herself as she walked away.  She 
was glad that she had someone to eat dinner with.  
A couple days of being alone at dinner was 
starting to wear on her.  
At 6 p.m., Sam knocked on the door to Donna’s 
                        “Hey, come on in.”  Donna said.
                        “I’m really shocked that we haven’t run into 
each other before today.”  Sam said.
                        “Yeah, I’ve been mainly at the pool or on the 
beach.”  Donna said.
                        “Tell me about it.  Between the beach and the 
gym and my friends, I haven’t been here too much 
either.”  Sam said.
                        “So where are we going to dinner?”  Donna asked 
in the elevator.
                        “A place called Rotellis.”  Sam said.
                        “Sounds good.”  Donna said.
Sam guided Donna over to the rental car.  She did 
a double take.
                        “You rented a 2001 Ford Mustang, fully loaded 
to drive around for a week?”  Donna asked.
                        “Yeah.  I wanted something nice, plus I won’t 
get to do this again for a while.”  Sam said, 
shocked that Donna would know that much about cars.  
She caught his look and smiled.
                        “That’s the car every woman wants to be 
driving.  It’s nice.”  Donna said and climbed into the 
Sam chatted with Donna during the drive to the 
beach front restaurant.
Dinner was a pleasant affair and their table 
overlooked the ocean.
                        “If you don’t have plans for tomorrow night, 
we’re having a weenie roast on the beach.  Would 
you be interested in coming with me?”  Sam asked.
                        “Call me.  I’ll be back in the room by 3.  I 
have a date with the spa.”  Donna said with a 
                        “See you in the morning.”  Sam said.
                        “Good night.”  Donna said and shut her hotel 
room door.
Donna headed for the spa right after enjoying the 
                        “Good morning Miss Moss.”  Angela said.
                        “Hello.  I’m ready for my spa day.”  Donna 
Sam headed for the beach after a quick workout 
and shower in the gym.
                        “Who’s the blond from yesterday?”  Cole asked.
                        “She’s Josh’s assistant and a friend.”  Sam 
                        “Really?  You seemed to know her pretty well 
for her just being a ‘friend’.”  Terry said.
                        “She’s just a friend and that’s it.  Oh, I 
invited her tonight to the weenie roast.”  Sam said.
                        “Just a friend, right?”  Cole asked.
                        “Guys, drop it.”  Sam said, the warning in his 
voice extremely obvious.
Donna spent her day getting revitalizing 
treatments, a massage, pore cleansing, and a makeover.  
She stepped into the elevator and turned to see 
who was behind her.
                        “Hey Sam.”  Donna said.
                        “Hi.  Wow you look great.”  Sam said.
                        “It was nice to be the one pampered for a 
change.”  Donna said.
                        “I bet it was.  Do you still want to come to 
the weenie roast tonight?”  Sam asked.
                        “Yeah, what time do I need to be ready by?”  
Donna asked.
                        “I’ll see you around 7.”  Sam said.
                        “Okay.”  Donna said.
Donna walked into her room and headed for her 
closet.  She wanted to find something nice to wear.  
She wanted to impress Sam’s friends.
Sam knocked on Donna’s door at five minutes 
before seven.
                        “Hey, come on in.”  Donna said.
                        “You look nice tonight.”  Sam complimented her.
                        “Thanks.  I wanted to look nice for your 
friends.”  Donna said.
                        “Don’t worry about it.  My friends will think 
you’re great.”  Sam said.
                        “Should we go?”  Donna asked.
                        “Yeah.”  Sam said.
Sam and Donna made their way down the beach to 
where there was a large bonfire already going.
                        “Hey guys.  This is Donna Moss.  Donna, these 
are the guys.”  Sam introduced her.
                        “Hi Donna, I’m Cole.  I’ve known Sam for years.  
Nice to meet you.”  Cole said.
                        “Nice to meet you too.”  Donna replied.
                        “I’m Terry.  I’ve known Sam since our days at 
Princeton and I got all kinds of dirt on him.”  
Terry told her.
                        “I’d be very interested to here the dirt on 
Sam.”  Donna said with a smile.
                        “Guys, don’t scare her off.”  Sam said.
Donna liked all of Sam’s friends and they seemed 
to like her.  She chatted with the women while 
Sam and his friends went over to act like men by 
the fire.
                        “Hey.”  Sam said sitting down beside her.
                        “Hi.  This is great.  Everyone is really nice.”  
Donna said.
                        “I’m glad you’re having a great time.”  Sam 
The party went on for hours and lasted until the 
beach patrol shut them down.  Sam, being the 
gentleman that he was, walked Donna back to her room.
                        “What time is your flight?”  Sam asked.
                        “I fly out at 1 p.m.  What time are you 
leaving?”  Donna asked.
                        “I have a 5 p.m. flight out.  Do you need me to 
drive you to the airport?”  Sam asked.
                        “No, I already made arrangements for that, but 
thanks for offering.”  Donna smiled.
                        “Then I will see you at the office on Monday.  
Have a safe trip home.”  Sam said.
                        “Thanks.  You too.”  Donna said and shut the 
The trips home were safe and calm.  Donna looked 
at the pictures from her trip and smiled.  She’d 
had a good time with Sam.  He was a great friend 
and she was gonna need all the friends she could 
with the soon to be Grand Jury Investigation.
Sam was at his home and looking at the pictures 
he’d snapped.  He was glad that he’d run into 
Donna.  They were close and he thought of her as a 
special friend.  She’d been the one to take care of 
his best friend after the shooting and that 
ranked her pretty high in the line of his friends.  He 
knew that the vacation time Josh had given her 
had been a ruse.  Josh wanted her out of Washington 
and to enjoy some time to herself before she was 
subpoenaed and subjected to endless questioning 
and accusations.