WhoCares                      作曲:Hei          作詞:Hei

No one cares about me   I feel lonesome all the time

Don't wanna hear you now   Don't tell me what the fuck is wrong and right

Now take a look in my eyes   Can you tell what I'm thinking

You never ever take it serious   Well nevermind   Fuck you

It's me   Kill me now   Kill me now   Again and again

Fill me up   Hook me up   With all the nightmares

Tie me up   Beat me up   Whatever you can

Who cares   Who cares

I'm not "A"   I'm not "B"   I'm just a shithead

I'm Bad   And I'm kinda mad   Put me into jail

You're right   I'm goddamn wrong   But i don't really care

Who cares   Who cares
註:  經過左太多事, 我諗野會好負面, 由其係當我唔開心時, 我會好悲觀, 好暴力, 好想節磨自己.
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