Yes, I know it's the middle of april right now. But when the muse tells you to create, you create. I drew the image in pencil crayon (it doesn't scan as well as it draws, does it. Oh well! I did add the 'merry xmas' on the BAMF doll's tag afterwards in the image-changy program thingy, the words were too soft to make out otherwise), and scribbled up the poem. I hope you like it! :) - Gok

Return to my Nest

It's Christmas day!
Hurray! Hurray!
There's food 'n toys 'n fun!
Lots and lots for everyone!

Friends give presents,
Toys for the students,
A tree with lights
and sparkly delights.

Penny is as new to this
as she is to a hug or kiss.
So bring her some treats
and save one of the best seats!

From X-men to Gen X
come games in boxes, cards in decks.
Eggnog! Eggnog! Spiced Rum!
No, Artie. Not until you've grown some.

Let's party! Everyone rejoice!
For we are of one voice
(if not one tune) as we sing
along to 'Now the Bells Ring'

The party's on! Let's go! Let's . . . go . . .
Ummm . . . Miss Frost?? Is that -
tucked in your hat . . . ??
Are you wearing **Mistletoe**?!?