Return to my Nest

           The Story of  Sir Caslow      by Heather RaeLynn

               A long, long time ago in a place far, far away, there were 
 two castles.

              One castle was on the north side of the mountain. It was 
 black and ugly because the evil people who lived there never washed 
 anything, even themselves. They smelled very bad because they never 
 bathed. Their dirty evil king was called Louie.

               On the other side of the mountain, there was a grassy hill 
 with two peaks on it. Between those two peaks, named Mike and Ike, there 
 was a white castle with blue trim. In this castle lived the good 
 princess Heather with all of her friends and family. Beside the castle 
 there was a blue stable with white trim. In this stable lived the 
 princess' horse, Katie. Katie was a very pretty horse. She was all white 
 except for her brown mane.

                Princess Heather was very happy in her white castle with 
 the blue trim on the grassy hill with two peaks, because all the way up 
 at the top of the mountain, so high that no-one could climb up to it, 
 there was a cave with seven kind dragons.

               The mother dragon was purple with a red belly, and the 
 father dragon was red with a purple belly. The five baby dragons were 
 also colored purple and red, and all the babies were very fat. they were 
 too fat to walk, but they could waddle, and all seven dragons could fly 
 and breathe fire.

               The dragons were nice dragons who loved to smile and tell 
 jokes, ate leaves from trees, and they liked their friend, the kind 
 princess Heather.

              One sunny day, while princess Heather was riding with Katie 
 on Ike peak, the evil king Louie came from the black castle with his 
 smelly, dirty, evil army and took over the white castle with the blue 
 trim, and they locked all of the good people in chains way down inside 
 the castle, even the court jester named Eric, who was juggling 
 firesticks in the main hall when evil king Louie invaded.

              Heather knew when she started home from her ride with Katie 
 that something was wrong with her castle, but she didn't know yet 
 exactly what was wrong. She could smell a horrible, terrible, reeking 
 smell even before she got close enough to see the castle. When she was 
 close enough to see, she knew that the evil king Louie from the black 
 castle had invaded because she saw very dirty smelly soldiers digging a 
 big dry moat around the castle, and the dirty evil soldiers were putting 
 very sharp spikes in the moat to keep people away.

               Princess Heather rode Katie down the hill into the woods. 
 Heather wore a magic whistle on a gold chain around her neck. The 
 whistle was carved out of a big diamond, and the only ones who could 
 hear it were the seven good dragons who lived in the cave at the top of 
 the mountain.

            The princess blew in her magic whistle, and a few moments 
 later the mother and father dragon had flown down to the place in the 
 woods where the princess and her horse were waiting. The princess told 
 the dragons what had happened in human words, and Katie told the same 
 sad story, but she said it in horse words. Princess Heather knew that 
 the evil king Louie did not know about the dragons, because the dragons 
 had always stayed on the south side of the mountain, away from the ugly 
 black castle.

              The dragons carried princess Heather and Katie the horse up 
 to their cave where the five fat baby dragons were waiting to find out 
 what had happened, because they could smell the bad smell that had 
 started to come up from the white castle, and they wanted to know why it 
 smelled bad. So, the princess told the fat little dragons what had 
               Speckle was a baby girl dragon who was purple with red 
 speckles all over. "Heather sad?" Speckle asked.

               "Yes," the princess said.

                Speckle made a sad face and waddled away. Then Patches, 
 who was red with purple patches, and who was always getting into 
 mischief, asked the princess, "Why Heather sad?"

               The princess told him, "Because my home is gone and I have 
 nobody to help me get it back!"

              "Oh," Patches said, and he waddled over beside his sister, 
 and they both wore sad faces.

             Then the third little dragon, all purple with no red, named 
 Hiccup, waddled up to Katie and she asked in horse words, "Are you (hic) 
 sad, Katie?"


             Katie told Hiccup "Yes" in horse words, and said "If you 
 drink water you might not hiccup so much, Hiccup," in horse words also.



             While Hiccup was drinking her water, Sparky, who was all red 
 with no purple and was always talking, waddled up to princess Heather 
 and he said, "We help! We help Heather!"

              This made Speckle and Patches look happy, not sad.

              Then Puddles, a striped baby dragon, waddled up to her 
 mother, saying, "Mommy, Mommy! Man Help!"

              Princess Heather asked, "Puddles, what man? The evil King 
 Louie has locked everyone up in my castle!"

              Puddles said, "Caslow man!" and she grinned.

              Sparky asked who Caslow man was.

              Puddles then said, "Caslow is man Puddles tied up in woods 
 and Caslow man says many odd words when Puddles uses Caslow's rope to 
 tie Caslow by feet to tree!" Puddles started  laughing so hard that she 
 made a puddle by accident.

              After they cleaned up the puddle, Katie and the other baby 
 dragon stayed in the cave while Puddles, princess Heather, and the 
 grown-up dragons flew to the place where Caslow was hanging upside sown, 
 tied by his feet to a tree.

             Caslow was very surprised to see such big dragons with the 
 fat little striped dragon that had tied him up, but he was very, very 
 surprised to see a beautiful  woman wearing a gold crown and a diamond 
 whistle on a gold chain come with the two big and one little dragons.

            Puddles waddled up to Caslow and bit through the rope that 
 held him tied to the tree while princess Heather helped Caslow down 

            "Are you alright?" She asked.

            "Are you princess Heather of the white castle with the blue 
 trim on the grassy hill with two peaks? Princess Heather with the good 
 dragon Friends?" Caslow asked her in amazement.

             "No, but I used to be princess Heather of the white castle 
 with the blue trim on the grassy hill with two peaks. Now the evil king 
 Louie has taken it over and I have no one to help me get it back except 
 my dragon friends. This is Puddles and her mother and father. Puddles, 
 say you're sorry to Caslow for tying him up."

            "I sorry." Puddles though for a moment, then, "Caslow want a 
 doggie biscuit?" She grinned.

             "Puddles! Be nice!"

              Puddles looked upset. "Caslow man is doggie. he says 'Ruff! 
 Ruff! Ruff! Arrroooooo!' when he try to chop me up!"

              Now Caslow looked embarrassed, too. "That's my war cry." He 
 said. "All knights should have a way cry. I'm not a dog, but I ride dog. 
 She's my mule. Here, Dog!" He called.

              No mule came.

              "Here, Stupid!" Caslow called.

              A brown mule with a saddle on her back and a sword in a 
 sheath trotted up to Caslow.  Then he introduced himself. "My name is 
 Sir Caslow. I have come from a castle very far away to visit the 
 beautiful and smart princess Heather who lived in the white castle with 
 the blue trim on the hill with two peaks. Her kindness, goodness, and 
 wisdom are known throughout the land, and I have come to see if she is 
 old enough to marry, because I need a wife to keep me company. I was 
 almost at the white castle when this fat purple and red striped baby 
 dragon flew down in front of me. I reached for my sword to defend myself 
 because I didn't know she was a good dragon, but I was tied up before I 
 got my sword out. Are these dragons your friends, princess Heather?" Sir 
 Caslow asked.

               "Yes," she said, "They are good dragons. The evil king 
 Louie does not know about them. Katie, my horse, and I were the only 
 ones from the white castle who were not locked up by the evil soldiers 
 from the black castle. Will you help me take back my home, Sir Caslow?"

                Sir Caslow was not very big and not very strong, but he 
 was very smart. He knew that he could think of a way to help. Sir Caslow 
 said that he would help her, and they rode the dragons together up to 
 the cave. It was getting dark outside, and they all decided to wait 
 until morning to get back the white castle from the dirty evil smelly 
 army that had come from the ugly black castle.

                The next morning, Sir Caslow told all of the others the 
 plan he had thought of. It was a good plan, because Sir Caslow was very 
 smart. Princess Heather gave Sir Caslow her magic whistle, and then Sir 
 Caslow rode the father dragon to the woods where Dog the mule was 

                The dragon flew back to the cave to wait. Sir Caslow 
 asked Dog to run really fast, and then jump over the spiked moat that 
 the evil army had built.

                So, Dog ran really fast, and then she jumped over the 
 spiked moat. Sir Caslow Had to hold his nose because of the bad smell. 
 He got off Dog, walked over to the castle door, and knocked after he 
 yelled his war cry: "Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Arrrooooooo!"

               Two of the evil soldiers who were guarding the door came, 
 opened the door, and told Sir Caslow "Go away!"

                Caslow just smiled and pulled a bar or soap and a clean 
 towel out of his pockets. "Do you have any hot water?" he asked.

                The two guards were so scared at the sight of the soap 
 that they screamed and ran all the way back to the black castle and they 
 never, ever came back.

             Sir Caslow walked all through the white castle, and all of 
 the evil people he met were so scared of the soap that they all ran back 
 to the black castle and none of them ever came back. Soon the only evil 
 dirty person left in the castle was the dirty smelly evil king Louie, 
 and Sir Caslow chased him away with the soap too. But, Louie did not 
 want to leave this nice castle, so he stopped once he was outside the 
 white gate and he sat down beside a high white wall.

             Sir Caslow went down into the castle and set free all the 
 good people, and everyone started cleaning up the dirty smelly messes 
 that the dirty smelly soldiers had left behind. Eric the court jester 
 ran up to Sir Caslow and said that the evil king Louie was still sitting 
 outside the castle. So, Sir Caslow took a bucket of hot soapy water to 
 the top of the high wall, and as he yelled his war cry "Ruff! Ruff! 
 Ruff! Arrroooooooo!" he dumped the bucket onto Louie's head.

             Louie was all clean now and this made him very angry. He 
 yelled that his evil army would come back and take over again and that 
 Sir Caslow would spend a very long time in chains.

             Sir Caslow told the evil king "I don't think so!" and he 
 blew in the magic whistle that princess  Heather had given him. A few 
 seconds later all seven dragons were flying over Louie's head and 
 breathing lots of fire.

             When the evil king Louie saw so many dragons he got very 
 scared (since all bullies are cowards) and he ran all the way back to 
 the black castle, and no evil soldiers ever came back to the white 
 castle with the blue trim again.

            From then on, Eric the court Jester juggled bars of soap 
 instead of fire sticks. Sir Caslow married princess Heather, and Katie 
 the horse had a new friend, Dog the mule, to share the blue stable with 
 the white trim. The dragons came to visit every day, and they all lived 
 happily ever after.

                                        The End.