Hearts Of Fur and Ice
It's a pleasantly balmy Mid-Summer Night. All around you couples are celebrating the Solstice. Music is hanging as heavily in the air as the humidity and most of the couples at the Xavier Institute For Higher Learning's annual Solstice bash have sought the refreshing shelter of the pool.

Almost all the couples.....

Grins are exchanged as two young men finally stumble out of their haven in the woods, happy and flushed. Nothing is unusual about the one, average height and build, with the exception of the fact he's now going around freezing drinks. The other reminds you somewhat of what the offspring of a werewolf and a blue gorilla would be.

It's only after you notice the gentle teasing from the other revelers, and the loving glances passing between the two, that you realize they're a couple.

The devil eyed Cajun sprawled acrossed the lounge chair next to your own favors you with a knowing smirk. His southern belle girlfriend does much the same.

"Ah swear those boys pall this aht ahvery pahrty," the woman giggles as she runs her hand through the white streak in her hair.

"Oui chere, but Henri and Bobbie make a good coupa, non," they both stare at you waiting for your responce.

"Yes! They make an adorible couple!"

"No way!"