Meet Tim

My Kindered Spirit

Tim and I have been married for 11 years.
We were young when we married, he was 18yrs old and I was 17.
We were married 5...almost 6 years before "we" had our twins.
They are identical twin boys.
Tim was in the U.S. Army for 8 years. He started out going for
Airborne School. He didn't make it though. He was able to
make four of the five required jumps, and tried to make the fifth,
but his broken anckle didn't agree...nor did his Jump Sgt.
He tried all he could for them to let him go back up in that plane and complete his last jump. :)

After that he was sent to an Infantry unit. We moved to
Kentucky then, where he served in the 101st Airborne Infantry.
Then one day Tim comes home and says,
"We have orders to Panama."
My reply was..."Where's Panama???"
Well I didn't get to find out for about a year AFTER him.
He was sent ahead, and I had to wait until we were given base housing.

Time served in the 190th Infantry during Operation Just Cause
Unwillingly so did I, except I was in an 3 bedroom home
with 3 other wives and either 7 or 8 kids!
Oh What Fun...NOT!
That was in 1989...the BEST Christmas I EVER had!
The guys got to come home on Christmas morning. They only
stayed about 6-8 hours, but they were great hours!
Due to my being there (along with all the other family members)
we were given orders back to the states shortly there after.
Tim contuined in the Infantry for a little more than a year.
Then his wife and father-in-law talked him into going back to
training where he could get a "real job." He ended up going
to school to become a heavy construction mechanic. Nothing
much happened after that. We were sent to Ft. Hood, TX.
where we HATED it!!! Don't even try to flame me though...I was
born and raised in Texas! I just hated Ft. Hood.
Here it's supposed to be the largest Army base and there was
nothing to do around there!!

More about Tim coming soon!

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