7241 Whipple Ave.

North Canton, Ohio 44720


Fax: 330-498-4084


Text Box: From Uniontown, Hartville Area:
Take Cleveland Ave., south. Turn right (west) onto State St. Turn left at Mayfair Rd. (south). Mayfair Rd. turns into Pittsburgh Rd. after it crosses Mt. Pleasant. Turn right (west) onto Shuffel. Turn left (south) onto Whipple Ave. Gymnastics Center is on the right in the Park Centre Building next to Park Center Bowling Alley. The entrance is between Qualex and Express Print. Park in front or at side of building by the bowling alley.

From the Green, Akron Area:
Take Rt. 77 south. Exit at Akron/Canton Airport. Turn left (south) onto Lauby Rd. Turn left (east) onto Mt. Pleasant. Turn right (south) onto Pittsburgh Rd. Turn right (west) onto Shuffel. Turn left (south) onto Whipple Ave.      Gymnastics Center is on the right in the Park Centre Building next to Park Center Alley. The entrance is between Qualex and Express Print. Park in front or at side of building by the bowling alley.

From the North Canton, Plain Township Area:
Go west on Easton or Maple (Easton  turns into Maple when it crosses Market). Go past the North Canton YMCA (on the left side of the street). Go past Price Park. Cross over Wise Ave. Turn right (north) onto Whipple. Cross over Portage Ave. Gymnastics Center is on the left in the Park Centre building next to Park Center Bowling Alley. The entrance is between Qualex and Express Print. Park in front or at side of building by the bowling alley.

From the Jackson Area:
At non rush hour times—take Rt. 241 (Wales Rd.) to Portage Rd. Go east on Portage Rd. Go under expressway (Rt. 77) to Whipple Ave. Turn left (north) onto Whipple. Gymnastics Center is on the left in the Park Centre building next to Park Centre Bowling Alley. The entrance is between Qualext and Express Print. Park in front or at the side of building by the bowling alley.

At rush hour times—take Rt. 241 north (Wales Rd.) to Waywood. Turn right (northeast) onto Waywood. Turn right (southeast) onto Shuffel. Shuffel crosses over Rt. 77. Turn right (south) onto Whipple Ave. Gymnastics Center is on the right in the Park Centre building next to Park Centre Bowling Alley. The entrance is between Qualex and Express Print. Park in front or at side of building by the bowling alley.

From the Canton,  Louisville Area:
Take Rt. 77 north. Exit at 2nd Belden Village exit (Whipple Ave. exit). Turn right (north) onto Whipple Ave. Cross over Everhard Rd. and Portage Ave. Gymnastics Center is on the left in the Park Centre building next to Park Centre Bowling Alley. The entrance is between Qualex and Express Print. Park in front or at side of building by the bowling alley.