Staff Profiles

7241 Whipple Ave.

North Canton, Ohio 44720


Fax: 330-498-4084

Text Box: Dave Compher, Gymnastics Director

Has been in gymnastics for approx. 30 years
Started at the North Canton YMCA in 1984 as a team   coach
Was Head Coach at Sandy Valley High School
Was guest speaker and instructor at Zones Clinics for  coaches from Michigan, Kentucky and Ohio
Opened his own private club (TNT Gymnastics)
Was Associate Director for North Canton for 8 years
Became Director of Gymnastics in 2007
Has done coaching clinics for Louisville, Massillon, Dalton, Akron Firestone and other area YMCA programs
Attended 2002 USA Gymnastics Congress and 2003 Mini Clinics
USAG safety and coach certified
First aid and CPR certified 
Text Box: Cindy Woodburn, Preschool Coordinator

Bowling Green State University graduate; B.S. in physical education; University of Akron graduate; master’s in physical education; postgraduate studies
In charge of  program development for “just          beginning” through preschool classes
Preschool instructor, class instructor, and team coach for more than 25 years                                                                        
USAG safety & coach certified & YMCA gymnastics instructor certified
Text Box: Jennifer anderson, Associate Gymnastics Director

Ohio University graduate; degree in Sports’ Management
Former gymnast, coach, and intern at the North Canton YMCA
Continued her gymnastics career after college with coaching at Marva Tots and Teens Gymnastics and Olympia Gymnastics. In these positions she served as Director of Pre-school and Level 4 & 5 and the TOPS training program
For the past 7 years, Jennifer founded and operated her own business called Celebrate Gymnastics in Florida