A Teeny Tiny Summary of My Life

I was born on a sunny afternoon, the 28th of November 1983. When I was two I had pnemonia, but it was caught early so a stay in hospital wasn't needed. My sister Gemma was born in '86. I started school in '89, and hardly ever got into trouble. In '93 mum received an early inheritance from her grandfather, and we spent part of that on a two month oversees trip to Europe. When I was halfway through grade 5, we decided to homeshcool for many different reasons. In 1995 we went to California, U.S.A. to visit a friend of mum's whom she hadn't seen for 14 years. And of course we went to Disneyland and Universal Studios! In Decmber '97 my sister Bethany was born, and in May '98 we hooked up to the Internet. So, there you have it, a teeny tiny summary of my life.