
In my life,
God has granted me a blessing few can claim,
The riches were my many friends
who into my life they came.
Some were family members like my mother oh so dear.
But most were people that I met, many every year.
No matter where life sent me,
what city I called home,
I made life long friends and never felt alone.
My friends are there for me to listen and to care.
At times life wouldn't have been worth living
if my dear friends were not there.
I could name them all one by one,
a volume it would fill,
But they know who they are
and that I love them and I always will.
I hope some day when the Lord I go to see,
He will grant just one more blessing,
And let my friends dwell next to me.
~© Avis Fishel Perry~

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Artwork By: Christian Riese Lassen

Midi "By The Sea" is
used with permission 
and is copyright © 2001  Bruce DeBoer