







Seven Words from the Cross "Woman, behold your son."

“Woman, behold your son. Behold your mother.”



In the midst of being forsaken by his Father, and granting acceptance to yet one more soul, Jesus focuses his heart upon his mother, whose heart was pierced,

as surely as if pierced by a sword.


Jesus loved John with sovereign love more than the others.

Now he charges John to care for his mother. Apparently Joseph had died already.

This is a clear example of John's description,

“having loved his own that were in the world, he loved them unto the end.” – John 13:1b


This word from the cross teaches us the priority of love in the family of God.

The tie that binds is greater than to our earthly families.

Each of us has been called into the life-pilgrimage to see the King of kings.

When we gather to eat and drink, we may make either of two mistakes.

We may focus only upon him, and neglect to love others who need his mercy,

or we may be impressed with words about brotherhood and overlook

our need of forgiveness.


Overall, our tendency is to fail to love and esteem our brothers and sisters.

Especially our older brothers and sisters.

There are hearts that have followed Jesus over steep hills,

and learned insights into the mysteries of the faith,

places that only followers ever see.


A wise sister wrote, “He is all that you are seeing and even more.

I've been a Christian now for twenty years and the obedience is no easier

but the joy is so much deeper.” (Rebecca Pippert, Hope Has its Reasons)

Father we thank you for giving us a family that gives your love.

many of us never knew such love in our earthly families. we praise You for Jesus who brought us here by his life and death.

lead us to give his love, that we may be surprised by You again.


The love John gave to Mary is the holy love from Jesus' heart.

Mary would be repeatedly comforted as she saw her son's face in John.

Only the Risen One can create his Face in others.

He can work that wonder in each surrendered heart this day.

The blood from the spotless lamb creates in us an internal change --that nothing else can do.


It creates love for those who cannot return it in the same form as it is given.

It creates family that is humanly impossible to create, with love that is not of this creation.


Father we praise You for giving us Life and love in your family.

we thank You for creating the vast love we have not yet seen,

we praise You for the love we have received in others' faces.

cause us to remember that You are its Source,

Jesus its Giver, poured into pierced hearts by your Spirit.


© 2000 Wayne G McDaniel. All rights reserved.