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Writing Within, About, and Around the World


Travel Writing

I have always kept journals during previous travels to Los Angeles, New York, and Mexico, but my passion for adventure truly flourished in my year long tour through Europe when I stayed with local people and had many more fascinating experences. I recorded and emailed my experiences as a gift to all my friends and family around the world. I have edited them as best as 600 pages can be edited by a single person, and have posted them here for your enjoyment. I hope these vivid narratives transport you to other lands as they have for many close friends and me. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, as I strive to communicate these adventures as vividly as possible. Though my future travels around the world will be more about healing work than tourism, I hope to continue writing about and sharing these invaluable experiences.

Note: In the long run, posting all my journals in their entirety shall take up a lot of storage space on the website so I am simply including the best of the Europe Journals based upon what past readers have particularly liked, and if you wish to read journal entries for specific countryplease email me and I will do what I can to have them sent to you.


Excerpts From Best of Europe Journals

Latin America (more coming later)

Excerpts From Best of Mexico Journals

Oceania (coming later)

Asia (coming later)

Africa (coming later): Note, experiences in Africa wre too difficult to process at the moment, so I am going to combine my current notes with those I take down next time I visit the continent and compose a sort of duel narrative where I switch back and forth between times of my life. I hope this literary experiment will be worth the wait!

Creative Writing

I have always loved literature since a young boy, and when I reached my teens I began writing short stories, poetry, and plays prolifically. While I stopped this to focus on my academic writing while attending the university and my travel writing during my post university travels, I wish to honour this work at my life by offering excerpts from some of the best work below. Though since I believe that when I settle back into a sedentary life outside of the university, I shall resume this writing again.

Selected Prose:

Selected Poetry

Selected Plays


Academic Writing

At UC Berkeley I completed a degree in interdisciplinary studies of globalization between the departments of cultural anthropology, economics and political science. I approached globalization not as an inevitable, homogenizing, and continuous process, but as a multidimensional, uneven, and transformative phenomenom that manifests differently itself in a
diversity of contexts. Based on all the classes, professors, and literature I have engaged with at Berkeley I have found that globalization can be comprehended in a multitude of ways and that study of it will only become more enriched and sophisticated the more diverse ways in which one approaches it. The following is a list of research papers I wrote on subjects that fascinated me and may be of interest to others.

Past Research: