Celebrate Earth Day

Picture from Blue Marble


What is Earth Day? Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970. It was started to increase awareness of the Earth and what can be done to help conserve the Earth and it's resources.


When is Earth Day? There are actually two official Earth Days. The first is celebrated during the March Equinox. John McConnell spearheaded this proposal and it was officially named by Gerald Ford in 1970. The second celebration is April 22. It was proposed by former Senator Gaylord Nelson, and was first called an Environmental Teach-In or Eco Day. Over time April 22, became the most widely known Earth Day celebration. However, many people celebrate on both days.

What is Earth Day Earth Day is a time to think about conservation of the Earth's resources. It is also a time to set goals for personal changes that can be made lessen the impact we are making on the earth.

Earth Day

National Wildlife Week, April 20-26.



Endangered Species

The Artic National Wildlife Refuge



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