Cardinal Rules and Regulations

General Channel Rules

1.  Respect every person present in the room, be it a plain chatter or an OP. The channel maintains a freedom of choice. Descriminating other people is not allowed on the channel.

2.  As an online community designed to be a meeting place for every person online, everyone is expected to be friendly to fellow chatter. We are not tolerating channel wars. We want every chatter to touch aa person's life ina very special way.

3. Flooding the channel in any manner, be it ctcp, ascii art etc. is not allowed. A maximum of 5 consecutive lines or repetition is considered a flood.

4. As a help channel, everyone is expected to help other users in any way they can. It is true it is in helping others where we gain more friends and find contentment and inner happiness.

5. No wavs or midis are allowed on the channel. Most users don't hear them in real-time. They just flood the channel and annoy other users.

6. No lame, malicious or abusive nicks. They are subject to kicking and temporary banning.

7. No sex or horny chat and porn site advertising and filesharing on the channel. Bans will be given to the guilty party.



OPerdom Rules

1.  Operators should condeuct proper behavior on the channel adn in private chats.

2.  Operators are the "peacekeepers"on the channel. In case of channel wars, the should aact as the mediator so as to settle all the skirmishes happening. If offensive and bad words are used in tha channel, fighting parties should be devoiced (-v) and the channel be moderated (+m).

3. Operators should not fight or harrass each other. OPship is not a matter of seniority. The Channel Manager can mmodify all the access anytime.

4. Bans set by an OP should be removed before he live the channel. Bans should be set reasonably and should be justifiable. Abuse of OP could lead to "access suspension" and "demotion".

5. Do not modify, add, delete or suspend an access without the permission and consent of the Channel Manager or his Assistant Channel Manager. If a user ask access, let him/her apply for OPs at the here on the site.

6. Operators should see to it that the channel rules and regulations are followed. Give to a user what he deserve.

7. Operators can do actions not indicated here if needed as long as it will not ahave a negative impact to the channel, to the Channel Manager and to the other Administrators.