Hayden's Story
Hayden was born on Christmas Eve 1995.  He was my Christmas baby.  For the first 2 years, Hayden and myself lived with my parents.  He loved living with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Jimmy.  We were so blessed to have their support emotionally and financially.  I worked for my father and earned enough money to buy diapers, clothes, formula, and pay for the well baby check's. I also spent the first year paying the hospital bills for my precious child.  He was worth every penny!!!

After about 2 years of living with Mom and Dad, Hayden and I ventured out on our own and got a small 2 bedroom Apt.  This was in January of 1998. We shared this space with Jon Greenlee, who is now my wonderful husband. Jon took Hayden and I under his wings and help guide us.  He was so wonderful to us.  He never once treated Hayden as anything but his own son.  Jon and Hayden had the best relationship a father and son could have.  They enjoyed shooting off rockets together as well as target shooting.  Hayden especially liked it when dad would let him drive in the parking lot.  By April Jon proposed and in August of 1998, we were married.  Hayden was so excited to get married.  He was part of our vows and was such a special part of our day.

In October 1998, I became pregnant with our wonderful daughter, Rachael.  Hayden enjoyed watching mommy's belly grow and to feel his little sister moving around in my belly.  In June of 1999, Rachael joined our family.  He was so excited to be a big brother and he was the best big brother.  He was so proud of his little sister.  He was such a great helper as well.  He loved to help me give her baths, get me diapers, and play with her.  They had a special bond from day one.

In September of 1999, Jon and I built our home in Prescott Valley.  From this point on Hayden started developing into a little man.  He wanted to do things his way and always had the best answer to any problem.  (But then again, don't most 4 year olds!)

The year of 2000 started out very well.  Hayden was attending Prescott Height Christian Preschool and loved his teachers and friends there.  He also loved his Pastor's!  Hayden would come home and tell me about his day and about what he had learned and it would make me so happy.  He loves Jesus so much and taught me more about our Father than any other person.  He loved playing with his friends and he loved when his daddy would pick him up for lunch and take him to McDonalds.  He thought he was the coolest kid at the school.  He loved making people laugh.  He loved being center of attention.  He was my little performer. 

In September of 2000 Hayden became very ill and we took him to the doctor.  Blood test were ran and we were told Hayden more than likely had Leukemia.  Our family was devastated.  We took him to Phx Children's Hospital where more tests were done.  That evening, our doctor came in the room and told us that is was not Leukemia, it was something called Evan's Syndrome.  We were so relieved and thought we were home free!  We had no idea how awful this disease could be.  It was not something the doctors had much experience in and it was hard to treat.  We tried everything from steroids to chemotherapy to having spleens removed.  Yes, Hayden had one large spleen and 3 accessory spleens.  Nothing seemed to work and within 3 months, my precious child became an Angel on Christmas morning of 2000.  I still can't believe our time together on earth is over and I know someday we will be together again but in the mean time, my life is turned upside down.
Click here for information on Evan's Syndrome
Click here for MORE information on Evan's Syndrome