Welcome To HHaven Fine Art!
Haven Fine Art

As we know, my name wasn't always Haven. It wasn't until recently that I finally decided to take on my ancestor's surname (The name originated in England, circa 1066 ad or earlier). Unfortunately, my art background doesn't go back that far - only back to the early 1950's to be exact.

In my youth, my dream was to actually become a race car driver, probably due in large part to my father's affiliation with automobiles and the automobile industry. But in my teens, along came High School, and one of the most influential people in my life... my art teacher. I remember him vividly, as if it were just yesterday. His name is Arvine Sadler, and he was a major influence on me as far as art goes.

In the years following, I went back to school in New York. I received my degree in photography, which I was then able to utilize as a tool to persue a passion of mine, Fashion Photography. Many college classes, photographs and art pieces later, and you have all that you now see before you. I hope to soon open my own gallerie, but until then please be patient and enjoy HavenFineArt.com!

Many Thanks,

"Haven Fine Art", "Haven", & all related photography and artwork are ® and/or ©2000 Haven. All rights reserved.